Test Table

Country Provision Reference Provision Text English Provision Text
Albania Criminal Code Art. 97 Mosdhënia e ndihmës, pa shkaqe të arsyeshme nga ana e personit që me ligj ose për shkak të detyrës detyrohej ta jepte atë, kur si pasojë e saj është shkaktuar dëmtimi i rëndë i shëndetit, rrezikimi i jetës ose vdekja, përbën kundërvajtje penale dhe dënohet me gjobë ose me burgim gjer në dy vjet. Refraining from providing help without reasonable cause by the person who either legally or because of his capacity was obliged to provide, is considered criminal contravention and is punishable by a fine or to up to two years of imprisonment when, as its consequence, serious harm to the health, endangerment to life or death resulted.
Algeria Criminal Code Art. 182 Art. 182. – Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code et les lois spéciales, est puni d’un emprisonnement de trois (3) mois à cinq (5) ans et d’une amende de cinq cents (500) à quinze mille (15.000) DA, ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle d’une personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Est puni des mêmes peines, quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril, l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il peut lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Est puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine n’est prononcée contre celui qui apporte son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses co-auteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement. Art. 182. Without prejudice to the application, if any, of the stronger penalties provided for by this Code and the special laws, he shall be punished with imprisonment of three (3) months to five (5) years and a fine of five hundred (500) to fifteen thousand (15,000) DA, or of either of these two penalties alone, any person who, by his immediate action, may prevent a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of a person and voluntarily refrains from doing so. Any person who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk the assistance which he is able to provide without risk to himself or others either by his personal action or by assistance shall be punished with the same. A person who, knowing proof of the innocence of a person imprisoned preventively or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities forthwith shall be punished with the same. However, no sentence is pronounced against the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. Except from the provision of the preceding paragraph, the culprit of the act giving rise to the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusive.
Andorra Criminal Code Arts. 131-132 Article 131 Omission de porter secours 1. Celui qui, sans risque pour lui-même ou autrui, s’abstient de porter secours, moyennant un acte personnel ou en demandant l’intervention de tiers, à une tierce personne exposée à un danger manifeste et grave pour la vie ou l’intégrité physique, doit être puni avec une peine d’arrêt. 2. Si un accident occasionné par hasard par l’auteur de l’omission de porter secours est à l’origine du danger, la peine doit être de deux ans d’emprisonnement au maximum. 3. Si l’accident est dû à son imprudence, la peine doit être de trois mois à trois ans d’emprisonnement. 4. Si l’auteur de l’infraction est une personne obligée par sa profession à porter secours à des tiers, la peine d’interdiction de l’exercice du métier ou du poste allant jusqu’à six ans peut lui être imposée en outre. Article 132 Faire obstacle à porter secours Celui qui fasse obstacle à l’arrivée de secours destinés à assister une personne en danger manifeste et grave pour la vie ou l’intégrité physique doit être puni avec une peine d’emprisonnement allant jusqu’à deux ans ou avec une peine d’arrêt. La tentative est punissable. Article 131 Failure to provide assistance 1. A person who, without risk to himself or others, refrains from assisting a third person exposed to a clear danger of physical injury or death, either by means of a personal act or by requesting the intervention of third parties, shall be punished with a sentence of arrest. 2. If the danger is caused by a chance accident which is caused by the person who failed to rescue, the penalty shall be a maximum of two years’ imprisonment. 3. If the accident is due to recklessness of the person who failed to rescue, the penalty must be between three months and three years’ imprisonment. 4. If the perpetrator of the offense is a person obliged by his profession to assist third parties, he may be punished by a prohibition on the exercise of his profession for up to six years.
Angola Criminal Code Art. 193 (Omissão de auxílio) 1. Quem, podendo fazê-lo sem grave risco para a vida, a integridade física ou a liberdade, suas ou de terceiro, deixar de prestar auxílio a pessoa vítima de acidente, calamidade pública ou qualquer outra situação susceptível de pôr em perigo a vida, a integridade física ou a liberdade de qualquer pessoa ou deixar de pedir à autoridade pública o socorro necessário para afastar o perigo é punido coma pena de prisão até 18 meses ou com a de multa até 180 dias. 2. Se a situação de perigo tiver sido criada pelo omitente, a omissão é pu-nida com pena de prisão até 3 anos ou com a de multa até 360 dias. (Refraining from Providing Help) 1. Whoever is capable, without incurring risk to life, physical integrity, or freedom of themselves or others, of providing help to a person who is a victim of an accident, public calamity or other situation capable of threatening life, physical integrity or liberty or who fails to request necessary support from public authorities, shall be punished with penalty of imprisonment up to 18 months or with a fine of up to 180 days.
Argentina Criminal Code Art. 108 Será reprimido con multa de setecientos cincuenta a pesos doce mil quinientos el que encontrando perdido o desamparado a un menor de diez años o a una persona herida o inválida o amenazada de un peligro cualquiera; omitiere prestarle el auxilio necesario, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo personal o no diere aviso inmediatamente a la autoridad. Whoever encounters a lost or helpless minor of fewer than 10 years of age, or any person who is wounded, invalid, or threatened with any type of danger, and does not immediately alert the authorities or present the assistance necessary, when they could do so without personal risk, shall be punished with a fine of 750 pesos to 1250 pesos.
Armenia Criminal Code Art 128 Հոդված 128. Վտանգի մեջ թողնելը 1. Կյանքի համար վտանգավոր դրության մեջ գտնվող անձին անհրաժեշտ եւ ակնհայտ անհետաձգելի օգնություն ցույց չտալը կամ օգնություն ցույց տալու անհրաժեշտության մասին համապատասխան մարմիններին չհաղորդելը, եթե հանցավորը պարտավոր չի եղել հոգ տանելու տուժողի մասին եւ ինքը նրան չի դրել կյանքի համար վտանգավոր դրության մեջ՝ պատժվում է տուգանքով՝ նվազագույն աշխատավարձի հիսնապատիկից հարյուրապատիկի չափով, կամ ուղղիչ աշխատանքներով՝ առավելագույնը մեկ տարի ժամկետով: 2. Կյանքի կամ առողջության համար վտանգավոր վիճակում գտնվող եւ ինքնապահպանության միջոցներ ձեռնարկելու հնարավորությունից զրկված անձին անօգնական վիճակում թողնելը, եթե հանցավորն այդ անձին օգնություն ցույց տալու իրական հնարավորություն է ունեցել եւ պարտավոր է եղել նրան խնամելու կամ ինքն է նրան դրել կյանքի համար վտանգավոր վիճակում՝ պատժվում է տուգանքով՝ նվազագույն աշխատավարձի հարյուրապատիկից հարյուրհիսնապատիկի չափով, կամ կալանքով՝ առավելագույնը երկու ամիս ժամկետով: 3. Սույն հոդվածի երկրորդ մասով նախատեսված արարքը, որն առաջացրել է մահ կամ այլ ծանր հետեւանքներ՝պատժվում է տուգանքով՝ նվազագույն աշխատավարձի հարյուրհիսնապատիկից երկուհարյուրապատիկի չափով, կամ կալանքով՝ առավելագույնը երեք ամիս ժամկետով, կամ ազատազրկմամբ՝ առավելագույնը երեք տարի ժամկետով: Статья 128. Оставление в опасности 1. Неоказание необходимой и заведомо неотложной помощи лицу, находящемуся в опасном для жизни состоянии, или несообщение соответствующим органам о необходимости оказания ему помощи, если виновный не был обязан проявлять заботу о потерпевшем и сам не поставил его в опасное для жизни состояние, – наказывается штрафом в размере от пятидесятикратного до стократного размера минимальной заработной платы либо исправительными работами на срок не свыше одного года. 2. Оставление в беспомощном состоянии лица, находящегося в опасном для жизни и здоровья состоянии и лишенного возможности принять меры к самосохранению, если виновный имел реальную возможность оказать помощь этому лицу и был обязан его опекать или сам поставил его в опасное для жизни состояние, – наказывается штрафом в размере от стократного до стопятидесятикратного размера минимальной заработной платы либо арестом на срок не свыше двух месяцев. 3. Деяние, предусмотренное частью второй настоящей статьи, повлекшее смерть или иные тяжкие последствия, – наказывается штрафом в размере от стопятидесятикратного до двухсоткратного размера минимальной заработной платы, либо арестом на срок не свыше трех месяцев, либо лишением свободы на срок не свыше трех лет Article 128. Abandonment in danger.1. Failure to offer needed and obviously urgent help to a person in a situation posing danger to life or failure to advise relevant bodies about the necessity to help, if the offender was not obliged to care about the aggrieved and which did not threaten the offender’s life, is punished with a fine in the amount of 50 to 100 minimal salaries, or corrective labor for up to 1 year.2. Abandonment of a person deprived from the possibility to take measures for one’s self-protection in a situation dangerous for life or health, if the offender had the real possibility to help this person and was obliged to take care of this person, or the offender placed this person in a dangerous situation, is punished with a fine in the amount of 100 to 150 minimal salaries, or with arrest for up to 2 months.3. The act envisaged in part 2 of this Article which caused death or other grave consequences, is punished with a fine in the amount of 100 to 200 minimal salaries, or with arrest for up to 3 months, or with imprisonment for up to 3 years.
Austria Criminal Code Art. 95 (1) Wer es bei einem Unglücksfall oder einer Gemeingefahr (§ 176) unterläßt, die zur Rettung eines Menschen aus der Gefahr des Todes oder einer beträchtlichen Körperverletzung oder Gesundheitsschädigung offensichtlich erforderliche Hilfe zu leisten, ist mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu sechs Monaten oder mit Geldstrafe bis zu 360 Tagessätzen, wenn die Unterlassung der Hilfeleistung jedoch den Tod eines Menschen zur Folge hat, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bis zu 720 Tagessätzen zu bestrafen, es sei denn, daß die Hilfeleistung dem Täter nicht zuzumuten ist.; (2) Die Hilfeleistung ist insbesondere dann nicht zuzumuten, wenn sie nur unter Gefahr für Leib oder Leben oder unter Verletzung anderer ins Gewicht fallender Interessen möglich wäre. (1) Any person who, in the event of an accident or a public emergency (§ 176) in which is obviously necessary to save a person from the risk of death or a considerable bodily injury or health damage, omits assistance, shall be imprisoned for up to six months or with a fine of up to To 360 days; when the omission of the assistance entails the death of a person, punishment shall include imprisonment of up to one year or with a fine of up to 720 days, unless the assistance is not to be expected of the perpetrator. (2) In particular, assistance is not to be expected if it is only possible under the risk of life or limb or other significant interests.
Azerbaijan Criminal Code Art. 143 Həyat və sağlamlığı üçün təhlükəli vəziyyətdə olan və özünü qorumaq üçün tədbir görmək imkanından məhrum olan şəxsi bilə-bilə köməksiz qoyma, əgər həmin şəxsi köməksiz qoyan onun qayğısına qalmalı idisə və ya onun özü zərərçəkmiş şəxsi həyat və sağlamlığı üçün təhlükəli vəziyyətdə qoyduqda, zərərçəkmiş şəxsə kömək göstərmək imkanı olduğu halda bunu etmədikdə— üç yüz manatadək miqdarda cərimə və ya bir ilədək müddətə islah işləri və ya altı ayadək müddətə azadlıqdan məhrum etmə ilə cəzalandırılır. Article 143. Living in danger Wittingly living without help of a person whose life or health is danger and deprived opportunities to arrange the self-preservation in cases, if guilty had an opportunity to assist this person and was obliged to take care, or had resulted by putting the life or health of the person in danger -is punished by fine of up to three hundred nominal financial unit, or by corrective work for the term of up to one year, or imprisonment for the term of up to six months.
Belgium Criminal Code Art. 422bis, 422ter, 422quater Art. 422bis. Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de huit jours à (un an) et d’une amende de cinquante à cinq cents [euros] ou d’une de ces peines seulement, celui qui s’abstient de venir en aide ou de procurer une aide à une personne exposée à un péril grave, soit qu’il ait constaté par lui-même la situation de cette personne, soit que cette situation lui soit décrite par ceux qui sollicitent son intervention. Le délit requiert que l’abstenant pouvait intervenir sans danger sérieux pour lui-même ou pour autrui. Lorsqu’il n’a pas constaté personnellement le péril auquel se trouvait exposée la personne à assister, l’abstenant ne pourra être puni lorsque les circonstances dans lesquelles il a été invité à intervenir pouvaient lui faire croire au manque de sérieux de l’appel ou à l’existence de risques. (La peine prévue à l’alinéa 1er est portée à deux ans lorsque la personne exposée à un péril grave est mineure d’âge ou est une personne dont la situation de vulnérabilité en raison de l’âge, d’un état de grossesse, d’une maladie, d’une infirmité ou d’une déficience physique ou mentale était apparente ou connue de l’auteur des faits.); Art. 422ter. Sera puni des peines prévues à l’article précédent celui qui, le pouvant sans danger sérieux pour lui-même ou pour autrui, refuse ou néglige de porter à une personne en péril le secours dont il est légalement requis; celui qui le pouvant, refuse ou néglige de faire les travaux, le service, ou de prêter le secours dont il aura été requis dans les circonstances d’accidents, tumultes, naufrage, inondation, incendie ou autres calamités, ainsi que dans les cas de brigandages, pillages, flagrant délit, clameur publique ou d’exécution judiciaire.; Art. 422quater. Dans les cas prévus par les articles 422bis et 422ter, le minimum des peines correctionnelles portées par ces articles peut être doublé, lorsqu’un des mobiles du crime ou du délit est la haine, le mépris ou l’hostilité à l’égard d’une personne en raison de sa prétendue race, de sa couleur de peau, de son ascendance, de son origine nationale ou ethnique, de sa nationalité, de son sexe, de son orientation sexuelle, de son état civil, de sa naissance, de son âge, de sa fortune, de sa conviction religieuse ou philosophique, de son état de santé actuel ou futur, d’un handicap, de sa langue, de sa conviction politique, de sa conviction syndicale, d’une caractéristique physique ou génétique ou de son origine sociale. Article 422bis Any person who refrains from assisting or to providing assistance to a person exposed to a serious peril, whether he has ascertained the situation of that person himself or that the situation is described to him by those who solicit his intervention, shall be punished with imprisonment from eight days to one year and a fine of fifty to five hundred euros or one of these penalties only. The offense requires that the person abstaining could intervene without serious danger to himself or to others. Where the person abstaining has not been made personally aware of the peril to which the person in danger is exposed, the absentee may not be punished when the circumstances in which he was called upon to intervene may lead him to believe that the appeal was not serious or that there were significant risks. (The penalty provided for in paragraph 1 shall be extended to two years where the person exposed to serious peril is under age or is a person whose situation of vulnerability by reason of age, pregnancy, Illness, infirmity or physical or mental disability was apparent or known to the perpetrator.); Art. 422ter. The penalties provided for in the preceding article shall be applied to those who, being able to do so without serious danger to himself or others, refuses or neglects to give to a person in danger the assistance which is legally required, as well as one who, while able to do so, refuses or neglects to do the work, the service, or to render such assistance as may have been required in the circumstances of accidents, tumults, sinking, flood, fire or other calamities, Robbery, looting, flagrante delicto, public clamor or judicial execution .; Art. 422quater. In the cases provided for in articles 422bis and 422ter, the minimum penalties imposed by these articles may be doubled, when one of the motives of the crime or offense is hatred, contempt or hostility towards a person, A person by reason of his or her alleged race, color, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, birth, Age, fortune, religious or philosophical belief, current or future state of health, disability, language, political belief, union belief, physical or genetic Its social origin.
Belize Criminal Code Art 99-100 99. A person is under a duty for preventing harm to another person- (a) if he is under a duty, as mentioned in section 100, to supply a person with necessaries of health and life; or (b) if he is otherwise under a duty, by virtue of the provisions of any statute, or by virtue of any office or employment, or by virtue of a lawful order of any court or person or by virtue of any agreement or undertaking, to do any act for the purpose of thereby averting harm from any person, whether ascertained or unascertained. 100.-(1) A man is under a duty to supply the necessaries of health and life to his wife, being actually under his control, and to his legitimate or illegitimate son or daughter, being actually under his control and not being of such age and capacity as to be able to obtain such necessaries. (2) A guardian is under the like duty with respect to his ward, being actually under his control. (3) A woman upon being delivered of a child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, is under a duty, so far as she is able- (a) to summon assistance, and to do all such other acts as are necessary and reasonable for preserving the child from harm by exposure, exhaustion or otherwise by reason of its condition as a newly born child, and (b) to support and take reasonable care of the child, being under her control or in her care or charge, until it can safely be weaned. (4) A person who by virtue of office as a gaoler, relieving officer Duty for preventing harm defined. Duty to supply necessaries of health and life. CAP. 101] Criminal Code THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS OF BELIZE REVISED EDITION 2000 Printed by the Government Printer, No. 1 Power Lane, Belmopan, by the authority of the Government of Belize. 78 [ ] or otherwise, or by reason of the provisions of any statute, is bound to supply any of the necessaries of health and life to a person, is under a duty to supply them accordingly. (5) A person who wrongfully imprisons another person is under a duty to supply him with the necessaries of health and life. (6) A person who has agreed or undertaken to supply any of the necessaries of health and life to another person, whether as his servant, apprentice or otherwise is under a duty to supply them accordingly. (7) If a person is under a duty as hereinbefore in this section mentioned and he has not the means for performing the duty, and there is any person or public authority bound to furnish him with such means, he is under a duty to take all reasonable steps for obtaining such means from such person or authority. (8) If a person being under a duty to supply any of the necessaries of health and life to another person lawfully charge his wife, servant or any other person, with the supply of such necessaries, and furnish the means for that purpose, the wife, servant or person so charged is under a duty to supply such necessaries accordingly. (9) “Necessaries of health and life” includes proper food, clothing, shelter, warmth, medical or surgical treatment and any other matters which are reasonably necessary for the preservation of the life and health of a person.
Bolivia Criminal Code Chapter IV CAPÍTULO IV ABANDONO DE NIÑOS O DE OTRAS PERSONAS INCAPACES ARTICULO 278.(ABANDONO DE MENORES).El que abandonare a un menor de doce años, será sancionado con reclusión detres meses a dos años. Si del abandono resultare lesión corporal grave o muerte, la pena será agravada en un tercio. ARTICULO 279.(ABANDONO POR CAUSA DE HONOR).La madre que abandonare al hijo recién nacido para salvar su honor,será sancionada con reclusión de un mes a un año. Si del hecho derivare la muerte o lesión grave, la pena será aumentada hasta tres o dos años, respectivamente. ARTICULO 280.(ABANDONO DE PERSONAS INCAPACES): Incurrirá en la pena de reclusión de un mes a dos años, el queteniendo bajo su cuidado, vigilancia o autoridad, abandonare a una persona incapaz de defenderse o de valerse por sí misma porcualquier motivo. ARTICULO 281.(DENEGACIÓN DE AUXILIO).El que debiendo prestar asistencia, sin riesgo personal, a un menor de doce añoso a una persona incapaz, desvalida o en desamparo o expuesta a peligro grave e inminente, omitiere prestar el auxilio necesario ono demandare el concurso o socorro de la autoridad pública o de otras personas, será sancionado con reclusión de un mesa un año. CHAPTER IV ABANDONMENT OF CHILDREN OR OF OTHER PERSONS DISABILITIES ARTICLE 278. (ABANDONMENT OF CHILDREN). Anyone who abandons someone younger than twelve years old will be punished with imprisonment from months to two years. If the abandonment results in serious bodily injury or death, the penalty will be aggravated by a third. ARTICLE 279. (ABANDONMENT FOR HONOR). A mother who abandons her newborn son to save her honor will be sanctioned with punishment from one month to one year. If such abandonment results in death or serious injury, the penalty will be increased up to three or two years, respectively. ARTICLE 280. (ABANDONMENT OF DISABLED PEOPLE): He shall be punished with a penalty of imprisonment from one month to two years who, having a person unable to defend himself or to provide for himself for whatever reason under his care, supervision or authority, abandons him. ARTICLE 281. (REFUSAL OF ASSISTANCE). Anyone who is obligated to provide assistance, without personal risk, to a minor of twelve years or to an incapacitated person or a person in helplessness or exposed to serious and imminent danger, and omits to render the necessary assistance or does not request assistance from the public authority or from other persons, will be sanctioned with confinement from one month to one year.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Criminal Code Art. 175 Član 175. Nepružanje pomoći (1) Ko ne pruži pomoć osobi koja se nalazi u direktnoj životnoj opasnosti iako je to mogao učiniti bez opasnosti za sebe ili drugoga, kaznit će se novčanom kaznom ili kaznom zatvora do šest mjeseci. (2) Ko ostavi drugoga bez pomoći u životnoj opasnosti koju je sam prouzrokovao, kaznit će se novčanom kaznom ili kaznom zatvora do jedne godine. (3) Ako je krivičnim djelom iz stava 2. ovog člana prouzrokovana smrt osobe izložene opasnosti ili je teško tjelesno ozlijeđena ili joj je zdravlje teško narušeno, učinitelj će se kazniti kaznom zatvora od tri mjeseca do tri godine. Article 175 Failure to Render Help (1) Whosoever leaves another person without help in life-threatening circumstances, although he could have rendered help without any risk to himself and others, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a maximum term of six months. (2) Whosoever leaves another person without help in life-threatening circumstances, which he himself has caused, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a maximum term of one year. (3) If any offence under paragraph 2 above results in the death or grievous bodily injury or grave impairment of health to the person exposed to such danger, the offender shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of between three months and three years.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko District Criminal Code Art. 172 Nepružanje pomoći Član 172 (1) Ko ne pruži pomoć licu koje se nalazi u neposrednoj životnoj opasnosti iako je to mogao učiniti bez opasnosti za sebe ili drugoga, kaznit će se novčanom kaznom ili kaznom zatvora do šest mjeseci. (2) Ko ostavi drugoga bez pomoći u životnoj opasnosti koju je sam prouzrokovao, kaznit će se novčanom kaznom ili kaznom zatvora do jedne godine. (3) Ako je krivičnim djelom iz stava 2 ovoga člana prouzrokovana smrt lica izloženog opasnosti ili je teško tjelesno povrijeđena ili mu je zdravlje teško narušeno, učinilac će se kazniti kaznom zatvora od tri mjeseca do tri godine. Failure to Render Aid Article 172 (1) A person who fails to render aid to a person whose life is in imminent danger, although he could have done so with no danger to either himself or others, shall be fined or sentenced to prison up to six months. (2) A person who causes imminent danger to the life of another person and abandons that person shall be fined or sentenced to prison up to one year. (3) If the criminal act referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Article resulted in the death of the person whose life was in imminent danger, or grievous bodily injuries were inflicted on that person, or grave impairment of his health, the perpetrator shall be sentenced to prison from three months to three years.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska Criminal Code Art. 161 Nepružanje pomoći Član 161. (1) Ko ne pruži pomoć licu koje se nalazi u neposrednoj opasnosti za život iako je to mogao učiniti bez opasnosti za sebe ili drugog, kazniće se novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do jedne godine. (2) Ako je usljed djela iz stava 1. ovog člana nastupila teška tjelesna povreda lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do dvije godine. (3) Ako je usljed djela iz stava 1. ovog člana nastupila smrt lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti zatvorom od tri mjeseca do tri godine. Failure to Render Help Article 161 (1) Whoever leaves another person without help in life-threatening circumstances, although he could have rendered help without any risk to himself and others, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a maximum term of one year. (2) If any offence under paragraph 1 above results in grievous bodily injury of the person in life-threatening circumstances, the offender shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a maximum term of two years. (3) If any offence under paragraph 1 above results in the death of the person in lifethreatening circumstances, the offender shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of between three months and three years.
Brazil Criminal Code Art. 135 Art. 135 – Deixar de prestar assistência, quando possível fazê-lo sem risco pessoal, à criança abandonada ou extraviada, ou à pessoa inválida ou ferida, ao desamparo ou em grave e iminente perigo; ou não pedir, nesses casos, o socorro da autoridade pública: Pena – detenção, de um a seis meses, ou multa. Parágrafo único – A pena é aumentada de metade, se da omissão resulta lesão corporal de natureza grave, e triplicada, se resulta a morte. Art. 135 – Failure to provide assistance, where possible without personal risk, to an abandoned or lost child or to aninvalid or injured person or to those who are helpless or in grave and imminent danger; or failure to request, in such cases, rescue from a the public authority: Penalty – detention, from one to six months, or a fine. Additional paragraph – The penalty is increased by half, if the omission results in serious bodily injury, and tripled if death results.
Bulgaria Criminal Code Art. 138 Който съзнателно не окаже помощ на лице, за което е длъжен да се грижи и което се намира в опасност за живота си и няма възможност да се самозапази поради малолетство, престарялост, болест или изобщо поради своята безпомощност, в случаите, когато е могъл да окаже помощ, се наказва с лишаване от свобода до една година или с пробация. A person who consciously does not render help, in case he was able to do so, to a person for who he was obliged to take care and who was in danger of his life and had no possibility to protect himself because of minority, advanced old age, sickness or in general because of his helplessness, shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for up to one year or by corrective labour.
Burkina Faso Criminal Code Art. 352 Article 352 Est puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à trois ans et d’une amende de 75.000 à 900.000 francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, peut empêcher par son action personnelle soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle d’une personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Est puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ou pour le tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Whoever could, without risk to himself or others, prevent by his personal action either an act qualified as a crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of a person, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished by imprisonment of three months to three years and a fine of between 75,000 and 900,000 francs or one of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk any assistance which, without risk to himself or the third party, he could lend to him by his personal action or by causing assistance, shall be punished with the same penalties.
Burundi Criminal Code Art. 482 Article 482 : Quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit une infraction contre les personnes, soit une infraction contre les propriétés, s’abstient volontairement de le faire est puni de servitude pénale d’un 138 ans à trois ans et d’une amende de vingt mille francs à cent mille francs, ou d’une de ces peines seulement. Est puni des mêmes peines, quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle soit en provoquant un secours. Anyone who, being able to prevent by his immediate action, without risk to himself or others, an offense against the person or an offense against property, voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished punished with the penal servitude of a 138 three years and a fine of twenty thousand francs to one hundred thousand francs, or one of these penalties only. Any person who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he may lend to him, either by his personal action or by causing assistance, shall be punished with the same penalties.
Central African Republic Criminal Code Art. 84 Art.84 : Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 100.002 à 500.000 francs, quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to him or others, he could provide either by personal action or by provoking assistance from others will be punished with imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of 100,000 to 500,000 francs.
Chad Criminal Code Art 264-265 Article 264. Sera puni de 3 mois à 2 ans d’emprisonnement quiconque s’abstient de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant du secours. Article 265. Sera punie de la même peine toute personne, qui, au cas de calamité ou de danger public, aura, sans motif valable, refusé ou négligé de répondre à la demande de secours ou à la réquisition d’aide formulée par l’autorité publique qualifiée. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to him or others, he could provide either by personal action or by provoking assistance from others will be punished with imprisonment of three months to two years. Article 265: Anyone who, in case of a public calamity or disaster, without a valid reason does not respond to requests of rescue or other forms of aid from a qualified public authority shall be punished with the same penalties.
Chile Criminal Code Art. 494 ART. 494. Sufrirán la pena de multa de una a cuatro unidades tributarias mensuales: […] 13.° El que encontrando perdido o abandonado a un menor de siete años no lo entregare a su familia o no lo recogiere o depositare en lugar seguro, dando cuenta a la autoridad en los dos últimos casos. 14.° El que no socorriere o auxiliare a una persona que encontrare en despoblado herida, maltratada o en peligro de perecer, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin detrimento propio. ART. 494. The penalty of a fine of one to four monthly tax units shall be applied to: […] 13. Anyone who finds a lost or abandoned child under seven years of age who does not return it to its family or will not pick it up or deposit it in a safe place, giving notice to the authorites in the last two cases. 14. Whoever does not help or assist a person whom he encounters in a depopulated area who has been wounded, ill-treated or is in danger of perishing, when he can do so without detriment to himself.
Colombia Criminal Code Art. 131 Omisión de socorro. [Penas aumentadas por el artículo 14 de la ley 890 de 2004] El que omitiere, sin justa causa, auxiliar a una persona cuya vida o salud se encontrare en grave peligro, incurrirá en prisión de treinta y dos (32) a setenta y dos (72) meses. Artículo 131-A. Omisión en la atención inicial de urgencias. [Artículo declarado INEXEQUIBLE] 35 Failure to rescue. [Penalties increased by article 14 of Law 890 of 2004] Any person who fails, without just cause, to assist a person whose life or health is in serious danger, shall be imprisoned from thirty-two (32) to seventy-two (72) months.
Comoros Criminal Code Art. 48 Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code et les lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 12 000 à 300 000 francs ou l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril, l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, il pourrait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle , soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de la police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Sont exceptés des dispositions de l’alinéa précédent, le coupable du fait qui motivait sa poursuite, ses co-auteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement. Without prejudice to the application, if any, of stronger penalties provided for by this Code and the special laws, any person who, by his immediate action, and without risk for himself or third parties, can prevent an act which is a crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of 12,000 to 300,000, or to either of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing, to a person at risk assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend him or her or by securing rescue from another source shall be punished with the same penalty. The same penalty shall be imposed on a person who, knowing the proof of the innocence of a person provisionally incarcerated or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities. However, no penalty shall be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. Except from the provision of the preceding paragraph, the offender is guilty of the act of the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusively.
Costa Rica Criminal Code Art. 144 Omisión de auxilio. ARTÍCULO 144.‐Quien encuentre perdido o desamparado a un menor de diez años o a una persona herida o amenazada de un peligro cualquiera y omita prestarle el auxilio necesario según las circunstancias, cuando pueda hacerlo sin riesgo personal, será reprimido con una multa igual a la mitad del salario mínimo establecido por la Ley No. 7337, del 5 de mayo de 1993. El juez podrá aumentar esta sanción hasta en el doble, considerando las condiciones personales del autor, sus posibilidades económicas, los efectos y la gravedad de la acción. (Así reformado por el artículo 69 de la Ley sobre Igualdad de Oportunidades para las Personas con Discapacidad Nº 7600 de 2 de mayo de 1996) Omission of relief. ARTICLE 144.-Whoever finds lost or abandoned a child younger than ten years or a person injured or threatened with any danger and fails to provide the necessary assistance according to the circumstances, when he can do so without personal risk, will be reprimanded with a fine equal to half of the minimum wage established by Law No. 7337 of May 5, 1993. The judge may increase this penalty up to double its original value, considering the perpetrator’s personal conditions, economic possibilities, and the effects and severity of the action. (As amended by article 69 of the Law on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities No. 7600 of May 2, 1996)
Cote d’Ivoire Criminal Code ARt. 352 Art. 352. Est puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 30 000 à 300 000 francs quiconque s’abstient volontairement porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant secours, Ces peines sont portées au double si le coupable avait l’obligation professionnelle ou contractuelle de poiler assistance ou secours à la victime. Any person who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in danger the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could provide, either by his personal action or by bringing relief, is liable to imprisonment for three months to five years and a fine of between 30,000 and 300,000 francs. These penalties are doubled if the guilty party had the professional or contractual obligation to assist or assist the victim.
Croatia Croatian Criminal Code §123, §124 Nepružanje pomoći Ĉlanak 123. (1) Tko ne pruţi pomoć osobi u ţivotnoj opasnosti, iako je to mogao uĉiniti bez veće opasnosti za sebe ili drugoga, kaznit će se kaznom zatvora do jedne godine. (2) Tko ne pruţi pomoć osobi u opasnosti koju je sam prouzroĉio, iako je to mogao uĉiniti bez veće opasnosti za sebe ili drugoga, kaznit će se kaznom zatvora do tri godine. Napuštanje nemoćne osobe Ĉlanak 124. Tko nemoćnu osobu koja mu je povjerena ostavi bez pomoći u prilikama koje su opasne za njezin ţivot ili zdravlje, kaznit će se kaznom zatvora do tri godine. Failure to Render Aid Article 104 (1) Whoever fails to render aid to a person in imminent mortal danger, although he could have done so without subjecting himself or another to serious danger, shall be punished by a fine or by imprisonment not exceeding one year. (2) Whoever leaves another without aid in mortal danger caused by himself shall be punished by a fine or by imprisonment not exceeding three years. (3) If, by the criminal offense referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the death of the person exposed to such danger is caused or a serious bodily injury is inflicted on such a person or if his health is severely impaired, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for one to five years.
Czech Republic Czech Criminal Code Art. 150 (1) Kdo osobě, která je v nebezpečí smrti nebo jeví známky vážné poruchy zdraví nebo jiného vážného onemocnění, neposkytne potřebnou pomoc, ač tak může učinit bez nebezpečí pro sebe nebo jiného, bude potrestán odnětím svobody až na dvě léta. (2) Kdo osobě, která je v nebezpečí smrti nebo jeví známky vážné poruchy zdraví nebo vážného onemocnění, neposkytne potřebnou pomoc, ač je podle povahy svého zaměstnání povinen takovou pomoc poskytnout, bude potrestán odnětím svobody až na tři léta nebo zákazem činnosti. Section 150 Failure to Provide Assistance (1) Whoever fails to provide necessary assistance to another person in danger of death or showing signs of a serious health disorder or a serious disease, even though he//she can do so without endangering him-/herself or another person, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years. (2) Whoever fails to provide necessary assistance to another person in danger of death or showing signs of a serious health disorder or a serious disease, even though he is required to provide such assistance by the nature of his/her employment, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or to prohibition of activity. Section 151 Failure to Provide Assistance by Drivers of Motor Vehicles, A driver of a motor vehicle who fails to provide the necessary assistance to a person who sustained an injury during a traffic accident he/she was involved in, when he/she can do so without endangering him-/herself or another person, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to five years or to prohibition of activity.
Democratic Republic of Congo Criminal Code Section IV bis SECTION IV bis : DE LA NON-ASSISTANCE A PERSONNE EN DANGER Article 66 bis : Sera puni d’une servitude pénale de trois mois à un an et d’une amende de cinq à cinquante zaïres, ou de l’une de ces peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, une infraction contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Article 66 ter : Sera puni d’une servitude pénale de trois mois à deux ans et d’une amende de cinq à cinquante zaïres ou de l’une de ces peines seulement, quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Article 66 quater : Si les infractions prévues aux articles précédents sont commises par une personne chargée par état ou par profession d’assister les autres en danger, la peine sera la servitude pénale d’un à trois ans et l’amende de cinq à cent zaïres. 16 Code Pénal Congolais Journal Officiel n° Spécial 30 novembre 2004 Article 66 quinquies : Sera puni des peines prévues à l’article 66 bis celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée provisoirement ou jugée pour infraction punissable d’au moins un an, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de la police judiciaire. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Whoever, being able to prevent by their immediate action, without risk to himself or to third parties, an infringement on the bodily integrity of a person, voluntarily refrains from doing so will be punished by penal servitude of a duration of three months to one year and a fine of five to fifty zaires, or one of these penalties only. Article 66b: Anyone who voluntarily abstains from providing assistance to a person at risk, which, without risk to himself or to third parties, he could lend him, either by his personal action or by bringing relief, will be punished by a penal servitude of between three months and two years and a fine of five to fifty zaires or one of these penalties only. Article 66c: If the offenses set forth in the preceding articles are committed by a person charged by the state or by his profession to assist the others in danger, the penalty will be the penal servitude of one to three years and the fine of five to one hundred zaires. Article 66d: The penalties provided for in article 66 bis shall be applied to one who, knowing the innocence of a person temporarily incarcerated or tried for a punishable offense of at least one year, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the attention of the authorities or the judicial police. However, no penalty shall be imposed against one who will testify late, but spontaneously.
Denmark Danish Penal Code, §141-142, § 185, §253 § 141. Den, som er vidende om, at nogen af de i §§ 98, 99, 102, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112 og 113 omhandlede forbrydelser mod staten eller de øverste statsmyndigheder eller en forbrydelse, der medfører fare for menneskers liv eller velfærd eller for betydelige samfundsværdier, tilsigtes begået, og som ikke gør, hvad der står i hans magt, for at forebygge forbrydelsen eller dens følger, om fornødent ved anmeldelse til øvrigheden, straffes, hvis forbrydelsen bliver begået eller forsøgt, med bøde eller fængsel indtil 3 år. Stk. 2. Den, der undlader at foretage sådanne forebyggelseshandlinger, straffes dog ikke, hvis deres foretagelse for ham selv eller hans nærmeste ville medføre fare for liv, helbred eller velfærd. § 142. Med bøde eller fængsel indtil 3 måneder straffes den, som undlader på opfordring at yde nogen, hvem offentlig myndighed tilkommer, en bistand, hvorved ulykke eller forbrydelse, der udsætter andres liv, helbred eller velfærd for fare, skal afvendes, skønt sådan bistand kunne ydes uden fare eller opofrelse af større betydning. § 185. Med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år straffes den, som, uagtet det var ham muligt uden særlig fare eller opofrelse for sig selv eller andre, undlader gennem betimelig anmeldelse eller på anden efter omstændighederne tjenlig måde efter evne at afværge ildsvåde, sprængning, spredning af skadevoldende luftarter, oversvømmelse, søskade, jernbaneulykke eller lignende ulykke, der medfører fare for menneskeliv. § 253. Med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år straffes den, som, uagtet det var ham muligt uden særlig fare eller opofrelse for sig selv eller andre, undlader 1) efter evne at hjælpe nogen, der er i øjensynlig livsfare, eller 2) at træffe de foranstaltninger, som af omstændighederne kræves til redning af nogen tilsyneladende livløs, eller som er påbudt til omsorg for personer, der er ramt af skibbrud eller anden tilsvarende ulykke. Stk. 2. Med fængsel indtil 2 år straffes den, som overtræder stk. 1 i forbindelse med flugt fra et færdselsuheld, hvorved nogen er tilføjet betydelig personskade. § 141. A person who is aware that any of the §§ 98, 99, 102, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112 and 113 referred to crimes against the state or the highest state authorities or a crime endangering to human life or welfare or significant societal values, aims committed and do what is in his power to prevent the crime or its consequences, if necessary by notification to the authorities is punishable if the crime is being committed or attempted, with fine or imprisonment for up to three years. Paragraph. 2. Any person who fails to make such preventive actions punished, however, if their making for himself or his nearest would endanger the life, health or welfare. § 142. With a fine or imprisonment up to 3 months imposed on anyone who fails upon request to provide any whom public authority is for, an assistance which the accident or crime, exposing other people’s life, health or welfare of danger, sk al averted, although such assistance could be provided without risk or sacrifice of greater importance. § 185. With a fine or imprisonment up to 2 years on that, although it was possible for him without any particular risk or sacrifice to themselves or others fail through timely review or otherwise in the circumstances suitable way by the ability to ward off fire, explosion, spread of harmful gases, flooding, søskade, railway accident or similar accident, endangering human lives. § 253. With a fine or imprisonment up to 2 years on that, although it was possible for him without any particular risk or sacrifice to themselves or others fail 1) for the ability to help someone who is in apparent danger, or 2) to take the measures, as the circumstances required for the rescue of someone apparently lifeless, or who are required to care for persons affected by shipwreck or other similar accident. PCS. 2. With imprisonment up to two years imposed on anyone who violates paragraph. 1 in connection with the escape from an accident whereby no added significant injury.
Djibouti Criminal Code Arts. 374 Quiconque pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne s’abstient volontairement de le faire est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 2 000 000 F d’amende. Est puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Any person who is able to prevent by his immediate action, without risk to himself or others, either a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of a person and who voluntarily refrains from doing so shall be punished by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 2,000,000 Frances. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he may lend to him, either by his personal action or by securing assistance, shall be punished with the same penalties.
Dominican Republic Criminal Code § 6TA Paragraph II El que hallare abandonado a un niño o niña recién nacido, y no lo entregare al Oficial del Estado Civil o a la autoridad rural competente, si el hecho resultare en los campos, sufrirá la pena de prisión correccional de dos meses a un año, y multa de quinientos a cinco mil pesos. Esta disposición no es aplicable a aquellas personas que consienten en encargarse del niño hallado; pero será siempre obligatorio para ellas, presentarlo a la autoridad competente, y prestar su declaración sobre las circunstancias relativas al niño o niña. Art. 348.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Los que teniendo a su cargo la crianza o el cuidado de un niño o niña menor de siete años, lo llevaren a una institución pública o privada dedicada al cuidado de niños y niñas, con fines de abandono, serán castigados con prisión de dos meses a un año y multa de quinientos a cinco mil pesos. Sin embargo, no se impondrá pena alguna a los que no estaban o no se hubieren obligado a proveer gratuitamente los gastos del niño o niña, y si ninguna persona los hubiere provisto. Art. 349.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). El simple abandono en un lugar solitario de un niño o niña menor de siete años, se castigará, por el delito de abandono, con prisión de seis meses a un año y multa de quinientos a cinco mil pesos, aplicables: 1ro. A los que hubieren ordenado o dispuesto el abandono, si se efectuare; y 2do. A los que lo hubieren ejecutado. Art. 350.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Las penas de prisión y multa que señala Art. 35l.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Si por la circunstancia del abandono que tratan los artículos anteriores, quedare el niño o niña mutilado o lisiado, o si le sobreviene la muerte, los culpables sarán castigados, en el caso de mutilación, como reos del delito de heridas inferidas voluntariamente, con prisión de dos a cinco años y multa de diez mil a veinticinco mil pesos; y en caso de muerte del niño o niña, serán reputados reos de homicidio, con prisión de diez a veinte años y multa de veinticinco mil a cincuenta mil pesos. el artículo anterior se aumentarán, la primera de seis meses a cinco años, y la segunda desde mil a veinte mil pesos respecto de los tutores, maestros o profesores que ordenaren el abandono del niño o niña, o se hagan reos de dicho abandono. Art. 351-1.- (Agregado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Serán castigados con penas de seis meses a un año y multa de quinientos a cinco mil pesos: 1ro. Las personas que, con espíritu de lucro, hubieran incitado a los padres, o a uno de ellos a abandonar su niño o niña, nacido o por nacer; 2do. A toda persona que hubiera hecho suscribir, o intentado hacer suscribir por los futuros padres o madres, o por uno de ellos, un acto en los términos del cual se comprometen a abandonar el niño o niña por nacer, o hubiera conservado dicho acto, con propósito de hacer uso o intentado hacer uso de él; 3ro. Cualquier persona que, con espíritu de lucro, hubiera aportado o intentado aportar su mediación para hacer recoger o adoptar un niño o niña. Art. 351-2.- (Agregado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Se considerarán culpables de abandono y maltrato a niños, niñas y adolescentes, y sancionados con las penas de prisión de uno a cinco años y multa de quinientos a cinco mil pesos, el padre o la madre o las personas que tienen a su cargo a cualquier niño, niña o adolescente que no le presten atención, afecto, vigilancia o corrección suficientes, o permitan o inciten a éstos a la ejecución de actos perjudiciales para su salud síquica o moral. El padre, la madre o las personas que tienen a su cargo cualquier niño, niña o adolescente que, por acción u omisión y de manera intencional, causen a niños, niñas, o adolescentes daño físico, mental o emocional; cuando se cometa o se permita que otros cometan abuso sexual; cuando se utilice o se permita que se utilicen niños, niñas o adolescentes en la práctica de mendicidad, de la pornografía o de la prostitución; cuando se emplean niños, niñas y adolescentes en trabajos prohibidos o contrarios a la moral o que ponga en peligro su vida, su salud o su integridad física; cuando no se les suministre alimentos, ropas, habitación, educación o cuidados en su salud; cuando existan medios económicos para hacerlo o cuando por negligencia no se disponga de los medios adecuados. Art. 352.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). Cuando el abandono de que tratan los artículos anteriores se verifique en lugares que no sean solitarios o desiertos, se impondrá a los culpables que los hubieren efectuado, las penas de prisión correccional de dos a seis meses y multa de quinientos a dos mil pesos. Todo, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto por los artículos 22 a 26; 119, 120, 121, 126 a 129, 177 a 183 y 188 al 196 del Código para la Protección de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (Ley 14-94). Art. 353.- (Modificado por la Ley 24-97 de fecha 28 de enero de 1997 G.O. 9945). La pena señalada en el artículo anterior se aumentará de seis meses a cinco años y de mil a veinte mil pesos, si los culpables fueren tutores, profesores u otras personas encargadas de la dirección, crianza o cuidado del niño, niña y adolescente. If a child is found abandoned and the finder fails to turn him over to the Civil Officer or the competent rural authority, if the incident results in a rural zone, the finder will be sentenced to two months’ imprisonment and a fine from five hundred to five thousand pesos. This provision is not applicable to those persons who consent to take care of the child found; but it will always be mandatory for them to present it to the competent authority, and to provide their statement on the circumstances surrounding the child. Art. 348.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). Those who are in charge of the upbringing or care of a child under the age of seven, and who take the child to a public or private institution dedicated to the care of children, for the purpose of abandonment, shall be punished with imprisonment of two months to one year and a fine of five hundred and five thousand pesos. However, no penalty shall be imposed on those who were not or would not have been obliged to provide for the child’s expenses, and if no person has provided for them. Art. 349.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). The simple abandonment in a solitary place of a child under seven years old will be punished by the crime of abandonment, with imprisonment from six months to one year and a fine of five hundred and five thousand pesos. This is applicable: 1st. To those who have ordered or provided for the abandonment, if it is done; and 2nd. To those who have executed it. Art. 350.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). The penalties of imprisonment and fine indicated in Art. 35l.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). If, because of the abandonment referred to in the preceding articles, the child is mutilated or disabled, or if death occurs, the guilty shall be punished, in the case of mutilation, with the crime of voluntarily incurred injuries, with imprisonment from two to five years and a fine of ten thousand to twenty-five thousand dollars; and in the event of the death of the child, the abandoning party shall be deemed guilty of murder, with imprisonment of ten to twenty years and a fine of twenty-five thousand to fifty thousand pesos. The penalties provided under the previous article will be increased, the first from six months to five years, and the second from one thousand to twenty thousand pesos with respect to tutors, teachers or professors who order the abandonment of the child, or become guilty of such abandonment. Art. 351-1.- (Added by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). A punishment of sentencing to six months to a year and fine of five hundred to five thousand pesos shall be applied to: 1st. Persons who, with intent to profit, encouraged the parents, or one of them, to abandon their child, born or to be born; 2nd. To any person who has made or attempted to make the future parents, or one of them, undertake to abandon the unborn child; 3rd Any person who, with intent to profit, has contributed or attempted to provide his mediation to an attempt to collect or adopt a child. Art. 351-2.- (Added by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). They will be considered guilty of abandonment and mistreatment of children and adolescents, and will be punished with imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of five hundred and five thousand pesos, the father or mother or persons in charge of any child or adolescent who does not provide the child or adolescent with sufficient attention, affection, vigilance or correction, or allow or incite them to the execution of acts detrimental to their mental or moral health. The father, mother or persons in charge of any child or adolescent who, by act or omission and intentionally, causes to their children or adolescents physical, mental or emotional harm; when they commit or allow others to commit sexual abuse; when children or adolescents are used or permitted to be used in the practice of begging, pornography or prostitution; when children and adolescents are employed in work that is prohibited or contrary to morality or that endangers their life, health or physical integrity; when they are not provided with food, clothing, room, education or health care; when there are economic means to do so or when the proper means are not available due to negligence. Art. 352.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). When the abandonment referred to in the preceding articles is verified in places that are not solitary or deserted, the guilty shall be punished with penalties of correctional imprisonment of two to six months and a fine of five hundred to two thousand pesos, without prejudice to the provisions of articles 22 to 26; 119, 120, 121, 126 to 129, 177 to 183 and 188 to 196 of the Code for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Law 14-94). Art. 353.- (Modified by Law 24-97 dated January 28, 1997 G.O. 9945). The penalty indicated in the previous article will be increased from six months to five years and from one thousand to twenty thousand pesos, if the culprits are tutors, teachers or other persons in charge of the direction, upbringing or care of the child.
Ecuador Criminal Code Art. 134 Artículo 134.- Omisión de medidas de socorro y asistencia humanitaria.- La persona que, con ocasión y en desarrollo de conflicto armado, omita las medidas de socorro y asistencia humanitaria a favor de las personas protegidas, estando obligada a hacerlo, será sancionada con pena privativa de libertad de cinco a siete años Article 134.- Omission of relief and humanitarian assistance.- A person who, in the course of armed conflict, omits to provide relief and humanitarian assistance measures for the benefit of protected persons, shall be punished with custodial sentence of five to seven years
Ecuador Criminal Code Art. 153 La persona que abandone a personas adultas mayores, niñas, niños y adolescentes, mujeres embarazadas, personas con discapacidad o a quienes adolezcan de enfermedades catastróficas, de alta complejidad, raras o huérfanas, colocándolas en situación de desamparo y ponga en peligro real su vida o integridad física, será sancionada con pena privativa delibertad de uno a tres años. Las lesiones producto del abandono de persona, se sancionarán con las mismas penas previstas para el delito de lesiones, aumentadas en un tercio. Si se produce la muerte, la pena privativa de libertad será de dieciséis a diecinueve años. A person who leaves older adults, children and adolescents, pregnant women, people with disabilities, those suffering from deadly, highly complex, diseases rare or orphans, placing them in a situation of helplessness and in real danger of their life or physical integrity, will be sanctioned with deprivation of liberty from one to three years. The injuries resulting from the abandonment of the person will be sanctioned with the same penalties provided for the freestanding crime of injuries, increased by one third. If death occurs, deprivation of liberty shall be from sixteen to nineteen years.
El Salvador Criminal Code Title V TITULO V DELITOS RELATIVOS A LA SEGURIDAD PERSONAL CAPITULO UNICO DEL DEBER DE SOCORRO OMISIONDEL DEBER DE SOCORRO Art. 175.- El que no socorriere a una persona que se halle desamparada y en peligro manifiesto y grave, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo propio ni de tercero, será sancionado con multa de cincuenta a cien días multa. En la misma pena incurrirá quien impedido de prestar socorro, no solicitare con urgencia auxilio ajeno. Si la víctima lo fuere por accidente ocasionado por el que omitió el auxilio, la pena será de prisión de seis meses a un año y multa de cincuenta a cien días multa. DENEGACIONDE ASISTENCIA SANITARIA Art. 176.- El que denegare asistencia sanitaria de la que se derivare riesgo grave para la salud de las personas, será sancionado con multa de cincuenta a cien días multa e inhabilitación especial de profesión u oficio de uno a dos años, si el autor realizare actividad médica, paramédica o sanitaria. TITLE V CRIMES RELATING TO PERSONAL SECURITY CHAPTER ONE OF THE DUTY OF THE DISTRICT OF THE OMISSION OF THE DUTY OF RELIEF Article 175.- Anyone who does not help a person who is helpless and in manifest and grave danger, when he can do so without risk to himself or a third party, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty to one hundred days. The same penalty will apply to anyone who, prevented from providing relief, does not urgently request assistance from others. If the victim’s situation was accidentally caused by the person who omitted the aid, the penalty shall be imprisonment from six months to one year and a fine of fifty to one hundred days. DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH ASSISTANCE Art. 176.- Any person who denies health care that causes serious risk to the health of persons shall be punished with a fine of fifty to one hundred days fine and special disqualification from profession or office of one to two years, if the author carries out medical, paramedical or sanitary activity.
Estonia Estonian Criminal Code §124 § 124.  Abita jätmine  (1) Teadvalt eluohtlikus seisundis olevale inimesele abi andmata jätmise eest õnnetuse või üldise ohu korral, kui abi andmine oleks olnud võimalik ilma abistajat ennast ohtu seadmata, – karistatakse rahalise karistuse või kuni kolmeaastase vangistusega.  (2) Sama teo eest, kui selle on toime pannud juriidiline isik, – karistatakse rahalise karistusega. Knowingly life-threatening situation for non-assistance to a person without an accident or general danger, if the aid would have been possible without endangering the helpers, – is punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment. (2) The same act, if committed by a legal person – is punishable by a pecuniary punishment.
Finland Section 15 – Neglect of rescue (578/1995) Joka tietäen toisen olevan hengenvaarassa tai vakavassa terveyden vaarassa on tälle antamatta tai hankkimatta sellaista apua, jota hänen mahdollisuutensa ja tilanteen luonne huomioon ottaen kohtuudella voidaan häneltä edellyttää, on tuomittava pelastustoimen laiminlyönnistä sakkoon tai vankeuteen enintään kuudeksi kuukaudeksi. A person who knows that another is in mortal danger or serious danger to his or her health, and does not give or procure such assistance that in view of his or her options and the nature of the situation can reasonably be expected, shall be sentenced for neglect of rescue to a fine or to imprisonment for at most six months
France Criminal Code Art 223-6 Quiconque pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne s’abstient volontairement de le faire est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d’amende. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Anyone who, being able to prevent by immediate action a felony or a misdemeanour against the bodily integrity of a person, without risk to himself or to third parties, wilfully abstains from doing so, is punished by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of €75,000. The same penalties apply to anyone who wilfully fails to offer assistance to a person in danger which he could himself provide without risk to himself or to third parties, or by initiating rescue operations.
France (1945 – 1994) Criminal Code (Ancien) Art. 63 Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code et les lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans [*durée*] et d’une amende de 360 F à 20.000 F [*taux résultant de la loi 77-1468 du 30 décembre 1977*], ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire [*abstention délictueuse, omission*]. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance [*non-assistance à personne en danger*] que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée provisoirement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement [*excuse absolutoire*]. Without prejudice to the application, if any, of stronger penalties provided for by this Code and the special laws, any person who, by his immediate action, and without risk for himself or third parties, can prevent an act which is a crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to five years [* duration *] and a fine of 360 F to 20,000 F [* rate resulting from Law 77-1468 of December 30, 1977 *], or to either of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend him or her or by securing rescue from another source shall be punished with the same penalty. The same penalty shall be imposed on a person who, knowing the proof of the innocence of a person provisionally incarcerated or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities. However, no penalty shall be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. Except from the provision of the preceding paragraph, the offender is guilty of the act of the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusively.
France (1810) Criminal Code ARt. 475-12 Seront punis d’amende, depuis six francs jusqu’à dix francs inclusivement, Ceux qui, le pouvant, auront refusé ou négligé de faire les travaux, le service, ou de prêter le secours dont ils auront été requis, dans les circonstances d’accidents, tumultes, naufrage, inondation, incendie, ou autres calamités, ainsi que dans les cas de brigandages, pillages, flagrant délit, clameur publique, ou d’exécution judiciaire
Gabon Criminal Code Art 249 Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 24 000 à 500 000 francs, ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque: 1- Pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire ; 2- S’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en lui portant un secours Anyone who: (1) being able to prevent by his immediate action, without risk to himself or a third person, an act qualified as a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, and voluntarily refrains from doing so, or; (2) Voluntarily refrains from giving to a person in danger the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend to him, either by his personal action or by providing rescue, shall be punished by imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of between 24,000 and 500,000 francs, or of either of these two penalties only,
Georgia Criminal Code Art. 129 სიცოცხლისათვის საშიშ მდგომარეობაში მყოფისათვის აუცილებელი და აშკარად გადაუდებელი დახმარების გაუწევლობა, თუ დამნაშავეს შეეძლო მისი დახმარება თავისთვის ან სხვისთვის სერიოზული საფრთხის შექმნის გარეშე, აგრეთვე დახმარების საჭიროების შეუტყობინებლობა სათანადო დაწესებულებისათვის ან პირისათვის,- ისჯება ჯარიმით ან გამასწორებელი სამუშაოთი ვადით ორ წლამდე ანდა თავისუფლების აღკვეთით ვადით ორ წლამდე.”. The refusal to provide necessary and obviously urgent assistance to a person who is in a life-threatening situation provided the offender was able to provide assistance without seriously endangering himself/herself or any other person, or the failure to notify the appropriate agency or person of the need of assistance, – shall be punished by a fine or corrective labour for up to two years, or with imprisonment for up to two years.
Germany Criminal Code Art. 323c Wer bei Unglücksfällen oder gemeiner Gefahr oder Not nicht Hilfe leistet, obwohl dies erforderlich und ihm den Umständen nach zuzumuten, insbesondere ohne erhebliche eigene Gefahr und ohne Verletzung anderer wichtiger Pflichten möglich ist, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. Whosoever does not render assistance during accidents or a common danger or emergency although it is necessary and can be expected of him under the circumstances, particularly if it is possible without substantial danger to himself and without violation of other important duties shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine.
Germany – Nazi Germany (1935 Gesetz zur Änderung des Strafgesetzbuchs) Criminal Code Art. 330c Wer bei Unglücksfällen oder gemeiner Gefahr oder Not nicht Hilfe leistet, obwohl dies nach gesundem Volksempfinden seine Pflicht ist, insbesondere wer der polizeilichen Aufforderung zur Hilfeleistung nicht nachkommt, obwohl er der Aufforderung ohne erhebliche eigene Gefahr und ohne Verletzung anderer wichtiger Pflichten genügen kann, wird mit Gefängnis bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. Anyone who does not provide assistance in the event of a disaster or a dangerous situation or need, although this is the duty of a healthy public spirit, in particular those who fail to comply with the police ‘s request for assistance, even though he can meet the request without considerable danger and without violating other important duties shall be punished with mprisonment for up to two years or fined.
Greece Criminal Code Art. 307 Οποιος με πρόθεση παραλείπει να σώσει άλλον από κίνδυνο ζωής αν και μπορεί να το πράξει χωρίς κίνδυνο της δικής του ζωής ή υγείας, τιμωρείται με φυλάκιση μέχρι ενός έτους. Whoever intentionally fails to save a life if he can do so without risk of his own life or health shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year.
Guatemala Criminal Code Art. 482 ARTICULO 482. Si el hecho no estuviere comprendido en las disposiciones del Libro Segundo de este Código, será sancionado con arresto de veinte a sesenta días: 1o. Quien no socorriere o auxiliare a una persona que encontrare en lugar despoblado, herida o en peligro de perecer, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo o detrimento propio. ARTICLE 482. If the deed is not included in the provisions of the Second Book of this [Penal] Code, it will be punished with arrest of twenty to sixty days: 1. Who does not help or assist a person who is found, wounded or in danger of perishing, in an uninhabited place when he can do it without risk or detriment of his own.
Guinea Criminal Code Art. 57 Article 57 : – Sera puni des mêmes peines (1 mois à 3 ans et d’une amende de 50.000 à 1.000.000 de francs guinéens, selon Article 56), quiconque s’abstient volontairement deporter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque actuel et sérieux pour lui ou pour les tiers il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque pouvant empêcher par son action immediate sans risque actuel et sérieux pour lui ou pour des tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit entraînant un préjudice corporel s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Article 58 : – Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée provisoirement ou déférée à une juridiction de jugement pour crime ou délit, tentative ou complicité de ces infractions s’abstient volontairement d’en porter aussitôt le témoignage aux Autorités de Justice ou de Police. Toutefois bénéficiera d’une excuse absolutoire celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement mais spontanément. Bénéficient de l’immunité le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices, le conjoint, les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au 4ème degré inclusivement. Article 57: – Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which he could provide, either by his personal action or by provoking a rescue without incurring serious and actual risk for himself or third parties the State may impose on him, shall be punished with the same penalties (1 to 3 years and a fine of 50,000 to 1,000,000 Guinean francs, according to Article 56). Anyone who, being able by his immediate action to prevent, without incurring actual and serious risk for himself or third parties, an event qualified as a crime or an offense causing bodily harm, yet refrains from doing so, shall be punished with the same penalties. Article 58: A person who knows of evidence of the innocence of a person who has been temporarily incarcerated or referred to a trial court for a crime or an offense, and willfully abstains from bearing witness to the justice authorities or the police, shall be punished with the same penalties. If he gives his testimony lately but spontaneously, he will be given an absolute excuse. This immunity applies to the person guilty of the offense, the co-perpetrators, accomplices, spouse, relatives or allies of such persons up to the 4th degree inclusive.
Honduras Criminal Code Art. 396-397 ARTICULO 396. Será sancionado con prisión de treinta a noventa días: 1) Quien causare a otro lesiones que le produzcan enfermedad o incapacidad para el trabajo hasta por diez días. 2) Quien encontrando abandonado o perdido a un menor de doce años, no avisare a su familia o a la autoridad, o dejare de llevarlo a un lugar seguro dentro de las cuarenta y ocho horas siguientes del hallazgo. 3) Quien en riña tumultuaria hubiere ejercido cualquier violencia en la persona del ofendido, con tal que a éste no se le hayan inferido más lesiones que de las mencionadas en el numeral primero de este Artículo, y no constare quien fue su autor. 4) Los padres de familia o los responsables legales, cuyas facultades se lo permitan, que no provean los medios necesarios para dar educación a sus hijos mientras éstos sean menores de edad. ARTICULO 397. Incurrirán en la pena señalada en el artículo anterior, si el hecho no estuviere comprendido en el Libro Segundo de este Código. 1) Quien no socorriere o auxiliare a una persona que encontrare en despoblado, herida o en peligro de perecer, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo o detrimento propio. ARTICLE 396. They will be sanctioned with imprisonment of thirty to ninety days: 1) Anyone who causes to another injury that causes illness or inability to work up to ten days. (2) Anyone who finds abandoned or lost a child under the age of twelve, and does not notify his family or authority, or fails to take him to a safe place within forty-eight hours of the finding. 3) Whoever in a tumultuous riot exercises any violence against another’s person, provided that he has not been subject to any more injuries than those mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article, and does not state who was the offender. 4) Parents or legal guardians, who, being able, do not provide the necessary means to educate their children while they are minors. ARTICLE 397. They will incur the penalty indicated in the previous article, if the act is not included in the Second Book of this Code. 1) Anyone who does not help or assist a person who is found in a depopulated area, wounded, or in danger of perishing, when he can do so without risk or detriment.
Hungary Criminal Code Art. 166 Aki nem nyújt tőle elvárható segítséget sérült vagy olyan személynek, akinek az élete vagy testi épsége közvetlen veszélyben van, vétség miatt két évig terjedő szabadságvesztéssel büntetendő. (2) A büntetés bűntett miatt három évig terjedő szabadságvesztés, ha a sértett meghal, és életét a segítségnyújtás megmenthette volna. (3) A büntetés bűntett miatt az (1) bekezdés esetén három évig, a (2) bekezdés esetén egy évtől öt évig terjedő szabadságvesztés, ha a veszélyhelyzetet az elkövető idézte elő, vagy ha a segítségnyújtásra egyébként is köteles. (4) A (3) bekezdés utolsó fordulata nem alkalmazható azzal szemben, aki a közlekedési szabályok alapján köteles a segítségnyújtásra. Failure to Offer Aid or Assistance Section 166 (1) Any person who fails to offer aid or assistance as it may be expected of him to an injured person, or to a person whose life or bodily integrity is in imminent danger, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment not exceeding two years. (2) The penalty shall be imprisonment not exceeding three years for a felony, if the injured person dies, and his life could have been saved by aid. (3) The penalty for felony shall be imprisonment not exceeding three years in the case of Subsection (1), or between one to five years in the case of Subsection (2), if the emergency situation is brought about by the perpetrator, or if he is otherwise obligated to help. (4) The last phrase of Subsection (3) shall not apply against a person who is obligated to help on the basis of traffic regulations.
Iceland Criminal Code Art. 221 Láti maður farast fyrir að koma manni til hjálpar, sem staddur er í lífsháska, þótt hann gæti gert það án þess að stofna lífi eða heilbrigði sjálfs sín eða annarra í háska, þá varðar það … 1) fangelsi allt að 2 árum, eða sektum, ef málsbætur eru. Sömu hegningu skal sá sæta, sem ekki annast um, að neytt sé þeirra bjargarmeðala, sem fyrir hendi eru, til þess að lífga þá, sem líf kann að leynast með, en líta út eins og dauðir, eða viðhefur ekki þær aðferðir, sem boðnar eru þeim til umönnunar, sem lent hafa í skipreika eða öðrum svipuðum óförum. In case a person fail to come to the assistance of another whose life is endangered although he/she could do so without endangering his/her life or health or that of others, this will be subject to ? 1) imprisonment for up to 2 years or fines in case of mitigating circumstances. The same penalty shall be applied to a person who does not see to it that the rescue facilities at hand be used for the purpose of resuscitating those with whom life may be concealed, but who appear as if dead, or who does not apply the methods prescribed for the care of those who have been shipwrecked or landed in other similar disaster.
Israel Criminal Code Art. 322 מי שעליו האחריות לאדם שמחמת גילו, מחלתו, ליקויו הרוחני, מעצרו או כל סיבה אחרת אינו יכול להפקיע עצמו מאותה אחריות ואינו יכול לספק לעצמו את צרכי חייו – בין שהאחריות מקורה בחוזה או בדין ובין שנוצרה מחמת מעשה כשר או אסור של האחראי – חובה עליו לספק לו את צרכי מחייתו ולדאוג לבריאותו, ויראוהו כמי שגרם לתוצאות שבאו על חייו או על בריאותו של האדם מחמת שלא קיים את חובתו האמורה. Responsibility for helpless persons 322. If a person bears responsibility for another person, who because of age, sickness, mental defect, arrest or any other reason is unable to withdraw from that responsibility and who is unable to provide the necessities of life for himself – whether the responsibility derives from a contract or from an enactment or arises out of a lawful or unlawful act of the responsible person – then he is obligated to provide that person with the necessities of life, to care for his health and to prevent his abuse or bodily harm, and he shall be held to have caused any consequences to the life or health of the other person which result from his failure to meet the said obligation.
Italy Criminal Code Art. 593 Chiunque, trovando abbandonato o smarrito un fanciullo minore degli anni dieci, o un’altra persona incapace di provvedere a se stessa, per malattia di mente o di corpo, per vecchiaia o per altra causa, omette di darne immediato avviso all’autorità è punito con la reclusione fino a un anno o con la multa fino a 2.500 euro. (1) Alla stessa pena soggiace chi, trovando un corpo umano che sia o sembri inanimato, ovvero una persona ferita o altrimenti in pericolo, omette di prestare l’assistenza occorrente o di darne immediato avviso all’autorità. Se da siffatta condotta del colpevole deriva una lesione personale, la pena è aumentata; se ne deriva la morte, la pena è raddoppiata. Anyone who finds an abandoned or lost child who is under the age of ten, someone who is unable to take care of his or herself due to mental or physical illness, age, or another cause and does not immediately notify the Authorities is punishable by up to one year imprisonment or by a fine of up to 2.500 euro. 1. The same penalty applies to one who finds a human body that is or seems unconscious, or a person who is injured or otherwise in danger and does not provide assistance or immediately notifiy the Authorities. If the negligent behaviour results in personal injury, the penalty increases; if it results in death, the penalty is doubled.
Kazakhstan Criminal Code Art. 119 Өмiрiне немесе денсаулығына қауiптi жағдайдағы және сәбилiгiне, қарттығына, науқастығына қарай немесе өзге де дәрменсiз күйi салдарынан өзiн-өзі сақтап қалу шараларын қолдану мүмкiндiгiнен айырылған адамды көрiнеу көмексiз қалдыру, егер кiнәлi адамның сол адамға көмек көрсету мүмкiндiгi болған немесе сол адамға қамқорлық жасауға мiндеттi болған не оны өмiрiне немесе денсаулығына қауiптi күйге өзі түсірген жағдайларда, – бір жүз айлық есептiк көрсеткiшке дейінгі мөлшерде айыппұл салуға не сол мөлшерде түзеу жұмыстарына не бір жүз жиырма сағатқа дейiнгі мерзiмге қоғамдық жұмыстарға тартуға не қырық бес тәулікке дейінгі мерзімге қамаққа алуға жазаланады. 2. Көмексiз қалдырылған адамның денсаулығына абайсызда ауыр немесе ауырлығы орташа зиян келтіруге әкеп соққан дәл сол іс-әрекетекі мың айлық есептiк көрсеткiшке дейiнгi мөлшерде айыппұл салуға не сол мөлшерде түзеу жұмыстарына не екі жылға дейiнгi мерзiмге бас бостандығын шектеуге не сол мерзімге бас бостандығынан айыруға жазаланады. 3. Осы баптың бірінші бөлігінде көзделген, көмексiз қалдырылған адамның абайсызда өліміне әкеп соққан іс-әрекет – үш жылға дейінгі мерзімге бас бостандығын шектеуге не сол мерзімге бас бостандығынан айыруға жазаланады. 4. Осы баптың бірінші бөлігінде көзделген, абайсызда екі немесе одан да көп адамның өліміне әкеп соққан іс-әрекет – бес жылға дейінгі мерзімге бас бостандығын шектеуге не сол мерзімге бас бостандығынан айыруға жазаланады. Knowingly leaving without the aid of a person, being in danger state to life or health and deprived of the opportunity to take measures for self-preservation on the early childhood, old age, illness or due to other helpless state, in the cases, if the guilty person had the opportunity to render assistance to that person or was obliged to take care about that person or endanger him (her) by himself (herself) in a danger state for life and health shall be punished by the fine of up to one hundred monthly calculation indices or correctional works in the same amount or community service for the term of up to one hundred twenty hours, or arrest for the term of up to forty five days. 2. The same action, entailed infliction of grievous or average gravity harm by negligence to the health of person, left without assistance shall be punished by the fine in the amount of up to two thousand monthly calculation indices or correctional works in the same amount, or restriction of liberty for the term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term. 3. An action, provided by first part of this Article, entailed the death of person, left without assistance by negligence shall be punished by restriction of liberty for the term of up to three years or imprisonment for the same term. 4. An action, provided by first part of this Article, entailed the death of two or more persons be negligence shall be punished by restriction of liberty for the term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term.
Kosovo Criminal Code Art. 191 1. Kushdo që nuk i ofron ndihmë personit jeta e të cilit ndodhet në rrezik të drejtpërdrejtë, edhe pse këtë ka mundur ta bëjë pa rrezik të madh për veten apo tjetrin, dënohet me burgim deri në një (1) vit. 2. Kushdo që nuk i ofron ndihmë personit në gjendje apo në rrethana të rrezikut për jetë të shkaktuara nga vetë kryesi, dënohet me burgim deri në tre (3) vjet. 3. Kur vepra penale nga paragrafi 1. i këtij neni rezulton me lëndim të rëndë trupor ose me dëmtim të rëndë të shëndetit të personit të rrezikuar, kryesi dënohet me burgim prej tre (3) muaj deri në tre (3) vjet. 4. Kur vepra penale nga paragrafi 1. i këtij neni rezulton me vdekjen e personit të rrezikuar, kryesi dënohet me burgim prej një (1) deri në tetë (8) vjet. Article 191 Refraining from providing help 1. Whoever refrains from providing help to a person whose life is directly endangered, even though he or she could have acted without serious risk of endangering himself or herself or another person shall be punished by imprisonment of up to one (1) year. 2. Whoever refrains from providing help to another person in a dangerous life threatening situation or circumstances which were brought about by the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment of three (3) years. 3. When the criminal offense provided for in paragraph 1. of this Article results in grievous bodily injury or serious impairment to the health of the endangered person, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment of three (3) months to three (3) years. 101 4. When the criminal offense provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article results in the death of the endangered person, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment of one (1) to eight (8) years.
Kyrgyzstan Criminal Code Art. 121 (1) Жаштыгына, карылыгына, оорусуна же өзүнүн алсыз абалына байланыштуу өзүн сактап калууга карата чара көрүүгө мүмкүнчүлүгү жок адамды анын өмүрү жана саламаттыгы үчүн коркунучтуу абалда жардам бербестен, атайылап таштап кеткенде, эгерде айыпкердин жабырлануучуга жардам берүүгө мүмкүнчүлүгү болсо жана ал жөнүндө кам көрүүгө милдеттүү болсо же болбосо өзү анын өмүрү үчүн коркунучтуу абалга алып келсе, – жүз жыйырмадан жүз сексен саатка чейинки мөөнөткө коомдук жумуштарга тартууга же болбосо элүүдөн жүзгө чейинки эсептик көрсөткүчтөрдүн өлчөмүндөгү айыпка же болбосо бир жылга чейинки мөөнөткө түзөтүү жумуштарына жазаланат. (2) Эгерде ушул статьянын биринчи бөлүгүндө каралган жосундар оор кесепеттерге алып келсе, – беш жүздөн миңге чейинки эсептик көрсөткүчтөрдүн өлчөмүндөгү айыпка же болбосо эки жылга чейинки мөөнөткө түзөтүү жумуштарына, же болбосо үч жылга чейинки мөөнөткө эркиндигин чектөөгө, же болбосо үч жылга чейинки мөөнөткө эркиндигинен ажыратууга жазаланат. Knowingly leaving a person in hazardous condition with no opportunity to take measures for self-preservation due to infancy, old age, sickness or helplessness, in the guilty person was able to help the victim and must take care of such person, as well as endangering such person, – shall be sentenced by fine in amount of up to 25 minimum monthly wages or up to 3 months of arrest. (2) The act provided by part 1 of this Article leading to severe consequences, – shall be sentenced by up to 3 years of imprisonment.
Latvia Criminal Code Art. 141 141.pants. Atstāšana bez palīdzības (1) Par nepieciešamas un acīm redzami neatliekamas palīdzības nesniegšanu cilvēkam, kas atrodas dzīvībai bīstamā stāvoklī, ja vainīgais apzinājies, ka varējis to sniegt bez nopietnām briesmām sev un citām personām, un ja palīdzības nesniegšana izraisījusi cilvēka nāvi vai citas smagas sekas,— soda ar piespiedu darbu vai ar naudas sodu līdz piecām minimālajām mēnešalgām. (2) Par tādas personas apzinātu atstāšanu bez palīdzības, kura atrodas dzīvībai vai veselībai bīstamā stāvoklī un kurai nav iespējas saglabāt sevi mazgadības, vecuma, slimības vai savas nevarības dēļ, ja vainīgajam bijusi iespēja sniegt cietušajam palīdzību un bijis pienākums rūpēties par viņu vai arī vainīgais pats viņu nostādījis dzīvībai bīstamā stāvoklī, — soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz diviem gadiem vai ar arestu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu līdz četrdesmit minimālajām mēnešalgām. Section 141. Abandonment without Assistance (1) For a person who commits failing to provide necessary and manifestly undelayable assistance, to a human being in a state in which life is endangered, if the offender knew that he or she could have provided such without serious danger to himself or herself or other persons, and if the failure to provide assistance has resulted in the death of the human being or other serious consequences, the applicable punishment is community service or a fine. (2) For a person who knowingly commits abandonment without assistance of a person who is in a state in which life or health is endangered and who is unable to save himself or herself due to his or her juvenility, old-age, illness, or feebleness, if the offender was able to provide assistance to the victim and had an obligation to take care of him or her, or the offender himself or herself has put the person in the life endangering state, the applicable punishment is deprivation of liberty for a term not exceeding two years or temporary deprivation of liberty, or community service, or a fine. [13 December 2012]
Lithuania Criminal Code Art. 144 144 straipsnis. Palikimas be pagalbos, kai gresia pavojus žmogaus gyvybei Tas, kas sukėlęs pavojų ar turėdamas pareigą rūpintis nukentėjusiu asmeniu jam nepagelbėjo, kai grėsė pavojus šio žmogaus gyvybei, nors turėjo galimybę suteikti jam pagalbą, baudžiamas teisės dirbti tam tikrą darbą arba užsiimti tam tikra veikla atėmimu arba bauda, arba laisvės apribojimu, arba areštu, arba laisvės atėmimu iki dvejų metų A person who, having raised a threat or while having the duty to take care of the victim, fails to provide assistance to him in a situation posing a threat to this person’s life, although he was in a position to provide him with assistance shall be punished by deprivation of the right to be employed in a certain position or to engage in a certain type of activities or by restriction of liberty or by arrest or by imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
Luxemburg Criminal Code Art 410-1 – 410-2 Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de huit jours à cinq ans et d’une amende de 251 euros à 10.000 euros, ou d’une de ces peines seulement, celui qui, sans danger sérieux pour lui-même ou pour autrui, s’abstient volontairement de venir en aide ou de procurer une aide à une personne exposée à un péril grave, soit qu’il ait constaté par lui-même la situation de cette personne, soit que cette situation lui ait été décrite par ceux qui sollicitent son intervention. Il n’y a pas d’infraction lorsque la personne sollicitée a fait toutes les diligences pour procurer le secours par des services spécialisés. Sera puni des peines prévues à l’article précédent celui qui, le pouvant sans danger sérieux pour lui-même ou pour autrui, refuse ou néglige de porter à une personne en péril le secours dont il est requis; celui qui, le pouvant sans danger sérieux pour lui-même ou pour autrui, refuse ou néglige de faire les travaux, le service, ou de prêter le secours dont il aura été requis dans les circonstances d’accidents, tumultes naufrages, inondations, incendie ou autres calamités, ainsi que dans le cas de brigandages, pillages, flagrant délit, clameur publique ou d’exécution judiciaire. Whoever, without incurring serious danger to himself or others, shall abstain voluntarily from assisting or providing assistance to a person who is at serious risk, whether he has established the situation of that person or the situation has been described to him by those who solicit his intervention, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of eight days to five years and a fine of € 251 to € 10,000 or one of these penalties only. There is no infringement where the person has done all the diligence to provide the assistance by specialized services. The penalties provided for in the preceding article shall be applied to one who, being able to do so without serious danger to himself or others, refuses or neglects to give to a person in danger the assistance required of him; he who, being able without serious danger to himself or others, refuses or neglects to do the work, the service, or to give the assistance which he will have been required in the circumstances of accidents, tumults shipwrecks, floods, fire or other calamities, as well as in the case of brigandage, looting, flagrante delicto, public clamor or judicial execution.
Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Criminal Code Art. 136 Неукажување помош Член 136 Тој што нема да му укаже помош на лице кое се наоѓа во состојба на опасност за животот, иако тоа можело да го стори без опасност за себе или за друг, ќе се казни со парична казна или со затвор до една година. Not giving help Article 136  A person who does not give help to a person who finds himself in a situation dangerous for life, even though he could have done this without the danger to himself or to others, shall be punished with a fine, or with imprisonment of up to one year.
Madagascar Criminal Code Art. 63 Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent Code et les lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 72 000 Ariary à 4 500 000 Ariary, ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour le tiers, soit un fait qualifi é crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui pêr ter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des m êmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarc érée préventivement ou jug ée pour crime ou d élit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussit ôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononc ée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement mais spontanément. Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alin éa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement. Without prejudice to the application, if any, of stronger penalties provided for by this Code and the special laws, any person who, by his immediate action, and without risk for himself or third parties, can prevent an act which is a crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of 72 000 Ariary to 4 500 000 Ariary, or to either of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend him or her or by securing rescue from another source shall be punished with the same penalty. The same penalty shall be imposed on a person who, knowing the proof of the innocence of a person provisionally incarcerated or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities. However, no penalty shall be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. Except from the provision of the preceding paragraph, the offender is guilty of the act of the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusively.
Mali Criminal Code Art. 220-221 Est puni d’un emprisonnement d’un mois à trois ans et d’une amende de 24 000 à 1 million de francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle soit en provoquant un secours. ARTICLE 221 : Lorsque l’infraction de non assistance à personne en péril telle que spécifiée à l’article précédent est le résultat d’une violation grave des obligations imposées par la fonction, la profession ou le métier de l’auteur, les peines de l’article précédent pourront être portées au double. En tout état de cause, la peine prononcée ne peut être inférieure à un mois d’emprisonnement ferme Those who, without risk to themselves and theirs, having been present at a crime, have abstained from intervening to prevent its perpetration or who, having known of the crime, abstained from denouncing the perpetrators or accomplices, are also accomplices of a crime or an offense. A person who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk the assistance which, without risk to him or others, he could lend to him either by his personal action or by bringing relief, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of one month to three years and a fine of between 24,000 and 1 million francs or one of these two penalties only.
Mauritania Criminal Code Art. 57 ART. 57. – Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code et des lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement d’un mois à trois ans et d’une amende de 5.000 à 200.000 ouguiya ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par une action immédiate sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour ses tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement Without prejudice to the application, if any, of the stronger penalties provided for in this Code and other special laws, any person who, being able to prevent by immediate action without risk to himself or to third parties, either an act qualified as a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, abstains voluntarily from doing so, shall be punished by imprisonment of one month to three years and a fine of 5,000 to 200,000 ouguiya or one of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to himself or his third parties, he could lend to him by his personal action or by causing assistance, shall be punished with the same penalties. Anyone who, knowing of evidence of the innocence of a person imprisoned preventively or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the testimony to the judicial or police authorities, shall be punished with the same penalties. However, no penalty shall be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. The offender under investigation for the act giving rise to the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusively are exempt from the provision of the preceding paragraph.
Mexico Criminal Code Art. 340 – 343 Artículo 340.- Al que encuentre abandonado en cualquier sitio a un menor incapaz de cuidarse a sí mismo o a una persona herida, inválida o amenazada de un peligro cualquiera, se le impondrán de diez a sesenta jornadas de trabajo en favor de la comunidad si no diere aviso inmediato a la autoridad u omitiera prestarles el auxilio necesario cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo personal. Artículo 341.- Al que habiendo atropellado a una persona, culposa o fortuitamente, no le preste auxilio o no solicite la asistencia que requiere, pudiendo hacerlo se le impondrá de quince a sesenta jornadas de trabajo en favor de la comunidad, independientemente de la pena que proceda por el delito que con el atropellamiento se cometa. Artículo 342.- Al que exponga en una casa de expósitos a un niño menor de siete años que se le hubiere confiado, o lo entregue en otro establecimiento de beneficencia o a cualquiera otra persona, sin anuencia de la que se le confió o de la autoridad en su defecto, se le aplicarán de uno a cuatro meses de prisión y una multa de cinco a veinte pesos. Artículo 343.- Los ascendientes o tutores que entreguen en una casa de expósitos un niño que esté bajo su potestad, perderán por ese sólo hecho los derechos que tengan sobre la persona y bienes del expósito. Article 340.- Anyone who finds abandoned in any place a minor unable to take care of himself or a person injured, disabled or threatened with any danger, and who does not immediately inform the authorities or refrains from giving the necessary assistance when he could do so without incurring personal risk, will be imposed from ten to sixty days of community service. Article 341.- Anyone who runs over a person, either by guilt or accident, and does not lend aid or request the assistance required, being able to do so, will be punished with community service from fifteen to sixty days, regardless of the penalty that proceeds for the crime that with the run over is committed. Article 342.- Anyone who abandons a child under the age of seven who has been entrusted to him or her in a house of child welfare or in another institution of charity or to any other person, without consent from the one who entrusted the child to him or the authorities in its absence, will be punished with imprisonment from and a fine of five to twenty pesos. Article 343.- The ancestors or guardians who deliver to a house of child welfare a child that is under his or her power, will lose by that single fact the rights that they have over the person and property of the child.
Mongolia Criminal Code Art. 107 107.1.Бусдыг амь биед нь аюултай нөхцөлд байхад нь өөртөө болон бусдад хохирол учруулахгүйгээр туслах бололцоо байсан боловч яаралтай тусламж үзүүлээгүй, эсхүл тусламж үзүүлэх шаардлагатайг зохих байгууллагад мэдэгдээгүйгээс гэм хор учирсан бол хөдөлмөрийн хөлсний доод хэмжээг тавин нэгээс нэг зуу дахин нэмэгдүүлсэнтэй тэнцэх хэмжээний төгрөгөөр торгох, хоер зуун тавин нэгээс гурван зуун тавин цаг хүртэл хугацаагаар албадан ажил хийлгэх, эсхүл гурваас дээш зургаан сар хүртэл хугацаагаар баривчлах ял шийтгэнэ. 107.2.Өндөр настан, бага насны, өвчний болон бусад шалтгааны улмаас биеэ хамгаалж чадахгүй хүнийг амь биед нь аюултай нөхцөлд байхад нь туслах бололцоотой бөгөөд халамжлах үүрэгтэй этгээд тусламж үзүүлээгүй зориуд орхисон, эсхүл түүнийг амь биед нь аюултай байдалд зориуд оруулсан бол хөдөлмөрийн хөлсний доод хэмжээг нэг зуун нэгээс нэг зуун тавь дахин нэмэгдүүлсэнтэй тэнцэх хэмжээний төгрөгөөр торгох, гурван зуун тавин нэгээс таван зуун цаг хүртэл хугацаагаар албадан ажил хийлгэх, эсхүл хоёр жил хүртэл хугацаагаар хорих ял шийтгэнэ. 107.3.Энэ хэргийн улмаас хохирогч нас барсан, бусад хүнд хор уршиг учирсан бол гурваас таван жил хүртэл хугацаагаар хорих ял шийтгэнэ. 107.1. Causing harm by failure to provide urgent medical aid to a person who is in a condition endangering his/her life or health without causing damage to himself/ herself or others while such possibility existed or failure to report to the relevant institution shall be punishable by 251 to 400 hours of forced labor or by incarceration for a period of more than 3 to 6 months. 107.2. Failure of the person who is able to provide aid to and has the duty of custody of an elderly, minor, or a person unable to take care of oneself due to illness or other reasons in the situation endangering his/her life or health and leaving him/her without aid, or intentional putting of the victim into the situation endangering his/her life shall be punishable by a fine equal to 51 to 70 amounts of minimum salary amount, 251 to 400 hours of forced labor or imprisonment for a term of up to 2 years. 107.3. The same crime if it has entailed d
Montenegro Criminal Code Art. 157 Nepružanje pomoći Član 157 (1) Ko ne pruži pomoć licu koje se nalazi u neposrednoj opasnosti za život iako je to mogao učiniti bez opasnosti za sebe ili drugog, kazniće se novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do jedne godine. (2) Ako je usljed nepružanja pomoći nastupilo teško narušenje zdravlja ili druga teška tjelesna povreda lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do dvije godine. (3) Ako je usljed nepružanja pomoći nastupila smrt lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti zatvorom od tri mjeseca do tri godine. (1) Anyone who omits to render aid to a person in imminent danger to life, although he could have done so without subjecting himself or another to serious danger shall be punished by a fine or a prison term of up to one year. (2) Where, due to omission to render aid, the health of a person in the state of an imminent danger to life is seriously impaired or where other serious bodily injury is inflicted upon such a person, the perpetrator shall be punished by a fine or a prison term up to two years. (3) Where, due to omission to render aid, the person in the state of imminent danger to life dies, the perpetrator shall be punished by a prison term from three months to three years.
Morocco Criminal Code Arts. 430-431 Quiconque pouvant, sans risque pour lui ou pour des tiers, empêcher par son action immédiate, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle d’une personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire, est puni de l’emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 200 à 1.000 dirhams ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement. Article 431 Quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que sans risque pour lui, ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours, est puni de l’emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 200 à 1.000 dirhams ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement. Anyone who is able, without risk to himself or others, to prevent by his immediate action either an act qualified as a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of a person, and voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years and a fine from 200 to 1,000 dirhams or one of these two penalties only. Article 431 Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in danger the assistance which he, or his third party, could lend to him, either by his personal action or by causing assistance, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years and a fine from 200 to 1,000 dirhams or one of these two penalties only.
The Netherlands Criminal Code Art. 450 1886 Hij die, getuige van het ogenblikkelijk levensgevaar waarin een ander verkeert, nalaat deze die hulp te verlenen of te verschaffen die hij hem, zonder gevaar voor zichzelf of anderen redelijkerwijs te kunnen duchten, verlenen of verschaffen kan, wordt, indien de dood van de hulpbehoevende volgt, gestraft met hechtenis van ten hoogste drie maanden of geldboete van de tweede categorie. Any person who witnesses the immediate mortal danger of another person and who fails to render or procure such aid and assistance as he is capable of rendering or procuring where there is no reasonable expectation of danger to himself or others, shall be liable to a term of detention not exceeding three months or a fine of the second category.
Nicaragua Criminal Code Art. 506 Art. 506 Omisión y obstaculización de medidas de socorro y asistencia humanitaria Quien, con ocasión de un conflicto armado internacional o interno, omita las medidas de socorro y asistencia humanitaria a favor de las personas protegidas, estando obligado a prestarlas, será sancionado de tres a seis años de prisión. Asimismo, quien, en las mismas circunstancias obstaculice o impida al personal médico, sanitario y de socorro o a la población civil la realización de las tareas sanitarias y humanitarias que de acuerdo con las normas del Derecho Internacional Humanitario pueden o deben realizar, será sancionado con pena de cuatro a ocho años de prisión. Article 506 Omission and obstruction of relief and humanitarian assistance Anyone who, in the event of an international or internal armed conflict, being obliged to provide them, omits relief and humanitarian assistance measures for the benefit of protected persons, shall be punished with a penalty ranging from three to six years in prison. Likewise, anyone who, in the same circumstances, obstructs or prevents the medical, health and relief personnel or the civilian population from carrying out the sanitary and humanitarian tasks that, according to the norms of International Humanitarian Law, they can or must do, will be punished with penalty from four to eight years in prison.
Nicaragua Criminal Code Art. 160 Art. 160 Omisión de auxilio Quien omita prestar el auxilio necesario a una persona desamparada y en peligro manifiesto y grave, cuando tuviera posibilidad de hacerlo sin riesgo personal o de terceros, será penado con cien a quinientos días multa. Quien encuentre perdido o abandonado a un niño o niña o incapaz cuya vida estuviera en inminente peligro y omita prestarle auxilio necesario teniendo posibilidades de hacerlo sin riesgo personal o de terceros, será penado con prisión de dos a cuatro años y de cien a quinientos días multa. Si la víctima, señalada en los párrafos anteriores, lo fuera por accidente ocasionado fortuitamente por el que omitió el auxilio, la pena será de prisión de tres a seis meses y si el accidente se debiera a imprudencia, la de prisión de seis meses a un año. Si el autor de los delitos señalados en los párrafos anteriores fuera el responsable legal del cuidado de la víctima, se impondrá además la pena de inhabilitación especial de seis meses a tres años de los derechos derivados de la relación madre, padre e hijos, tutela o guarda. El que niegue atención sanitaria o abandonare los servicios sanitarios, cuando de la denegación o abandono se derive riesgo grave para la salud de las personas, será castigado con prisión de dos a cuatro años e inhabilitación especial de tres a cinco años. Art. 160 Omission of aid Any person who fails to render the necessary assistance to a person who is abandoned and in manifest and grave danger, when he or she has the possibility of doing so without personal or third-party risk, shall be punished by a fine of one hundred to five hundred days. Anyone who finds lost or abandoned or incapacitated a child whose life is in imminent danger and omits to give him necessary help having the ability to do so without personal risk or of third parties, will be punished with imprisonment of two to four years and of a hundred to five hundred days fine . If the victim’s situation, mentioned in the previous paragraphs, was accidentally caused by the one who omitted the aid, the penalty will be imprisonment of three to six months and if the accident was due to recklessness, imprisonment from six months to a year. If the perpetrator of the crimes referred to in the preceding paragraphs is the legal guardian of the victim, the penalty of special disqualification from six months to three years of the rights derived from the relationship of the mother, father and children, guardianship or guard. Anyone who denies health care or omits to provide health services, when a serious risk to the health of persons is involved, shall be punished by imprisonment of two to four years and special disqualification of three to five years.
Niger Criminal Code Art. 188 Art. 188 : Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de six mois à trois ans et d’une amende de 10.000 à 100.000 francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement mais spontanément. Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, les coauteurs, les complices, le conjoint, les parents ou alliés jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement. Art. 188: A person who is able to prevent by his immediate action, without risk to himself or third party, either an act qualified as a crime or an offense against bodily integrity, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punishable by imprisonment of six months to three years and a fine of between 10,000 and 100,000 francs, or of either of the two penalties. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person in peril the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend to him by his personal action or by causing assistance, shall be punished with the same penalties. Anyone who, knowing of evidence of the innocence of a person imprisoned preventively detained or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the testimony to the judicial or police authorities, shall be punished with the same penalties. However, no punishment will be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late but spontaneously. The offender whose guilt is the subject of the prosecution, co-perpetrators, accomplices, spouse, relatives or allies up to the fourth degree inclusively are exempt from the provision of the preceding paragraph.
Norway Criminal Code Art. 387 1902 Med Bøder eller med Fængsel indtil 3 Maaneder straffes den, som undlader, uagtet det var ham muligt uden særlig Fare eller Opofrelse for ham selv eller andre, 1) efter Evne at hjælpe den, der er i øiensynlig og overhængende Livsfare, eller, 2) gjennem betimelig Anmeldelse for vedkommende Myndighed eller paa anden Maade efter Evne at afverge Ildsvaade, Oversvømmelse, Sprængning eller lignende Ulykke, der medfører Fare for Menneskeliv. Saafremt paa Grund af Forseelsen nogen omkommer, kan Fængsel indtil 6 Maaneder anvendes. Any person who, although it was possible for him to do so without special danger or sacrifice on the part of himself or others, fails 1) to help according to his ability any person whose life is in obvious and imminent danger, or 2) to prevent, by timely report to the proper authorities or otherwise according to his ability, a fire, a flood, an explosion or any siilar accident which may endanger human life, shall be liable to fines or imprisonment fora term not exceeding three months.
Panama Criminal Code Chapter III Abandono de Niños y otras Personas Incapaces de Velar por su Seguridad o su Salud Artículo 148. Quien abandone a un niño o niña menor de doce años o a una persona incapaz de velar por su seguridad o su salud, que esté bajo su guarda y cuidado, será sancionado con prisión de uno a dos años. Si el abandono pone en peligro la seguridad o salud del niño o la niña o de la persona incapaz, la sanción será de cuatro a seis años de prisión. Si, debido a las condiciones y al lugar del abandono, se causa un grave perjuicio para la salud de la persona, el culpable será sancionado con prisión de seis a ocho años. Si sobreviene la muerte, la pena será de ocho a doce años de prisión. Abandonment of Children and Other Persons Unable to Enforce Security or Health Article 148. Whoever leaves a child under 12 years of age or a person incapable of watching over their safety or health, who is under their guard and care, will be punished with imprisonment of one to two years. If abandonment endangers the safety or health of the child or the incapacitated person, the penalty will be four to six years in prison. If, due to the conditions and place of abandonment, serious harm is done to the health of the person, the guilty person shall be punished with imprisonment of six to eight years. If death occurs, the penalty will be eight to twelve years in prison.
Paraguay Criminal Code Art. 117 Artículo 117.- Omisión de auxilio 1º El que no salvara a otro de la muerte375 o de una lesión considerable, pudiendo hacerlo sin riesgo personal, será castigado con pena privativa de libertad de hasta un año o con multa376, cuando: 1. el omitente estuviera presente en el suceso; o 2. cuando se le hubiera pedido su intervención en forma directa y personal. 2º Cuando el omitente, por una conducta antijurídica anterior, haya contribuido a que se produjera el riesgo, se aplicará una pena privativa de libertad de hasta dos años o multa377. Article 117.- Failure to assist Anyone who fails to save another from death or considerable injury, being able to do so without personal risk, shall be punished with imprisonment for up to one year or with a fine, when: 1. the omitter was present in the event; or 2. when asked to intervene directly and personally. 2º When the omitter, due to a previous illegal conduct, has contributed to the occurrence of the risk, a custodial sentence of up to two years or a fine will be applied.
Peru Criminal Code Chapter IV El que omite prestar socorro a una persona que ha herido o incapacitado, poniendo en peligro su vida o su salud, será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no mayor de tres años. Artículo 127.- Omisión de auxilio o aviso a la autoridad El que encuentra a un herido o a cualquier otra persona en estado de grave e inminente peligro y omite prestarle auxilio inmediato pudiendo hacerlo sin riesgo propio o de tercero o se abstiene de dar aviso a la autoridad, será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no mayor de un año o con treinta a ciento veinte días-multa. Any person who fails to provide relief to a person whom he has injured or disabled, endangering their life or health, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years. Article 127.- Failure of aid or notice to the authority Whoever finds an injured person or any other person in a state of serious and imminent danger and fails to render immediate assistance or give notice to the authorities, being able to do so without risk to themselves or a third party, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or with a fine of thirty to hundred twenty-days.
Poland Criminal Code Art. 162 Art. 162. § 1. Kto człowiekowi znajdującemu się w położeniu grożącym bezpośrednim niebezpieczeństwem utraty życia albo ciężkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu nie udziela pomocy, mogąc jej udzielić bez narażenia siebie lub innej osoby na niebezpieczeństwo utraty życia albo ciężkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu, podlega karze pozbawienia wolności do lat 3. § 2. Nie popełnia przestępstwa, kto nie udziela pomocy, do której jest konieczne poddanie się zabiegowi lekarskiemu albo w warunkach, w których możliwa jest niezwłoczna pomoc ze strony instytucji lub osoby do tego powołanej. Whoever the man appearing in the position of imminent danger threatening the loss of life or grievous bodily harm does not give any aid, being able to give it without endangering yourself or another person in danger of death or grievous bodily harm, punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years § 2 does not commit a crime, whoever does not provide assistance, which is required to undergo medical treatment or the conditions under which it is possible to prompt assistance from the institution or person appointed to this.
Portugal Criminal Code Art. 200, 1 Quem, em caso de grave necessidade, nomeadamente provocada por desastre, acidente, calamidade pública ou situação de perigo comum, que ponha em perigo a vida, a integridade física ou a liberdade de outra pessoa, deixar de lhe prestar o auxílio necessário ao afastamento do perigo, seja por acção pessoal, seja promovendo o socorro, é punido com pena de prisão até 1 ano ou com pena de multa até 120 dias. 2 – Se a situação referida no número anterior tiver sido criada por aquele que omite o auxílio devido, o omitente é punido com pena de prisão até 2 anos ou com pena de multa até 240 dias. 3 – A omissão de auxílio não é punível quando se verificar grave risco para a vida ou integridade física do omitente ou quando, por outro motivo relevante, o auxílio lhe não for exigível. Whoever, in case of serious need, particularly provoked by disaster, accident, calamity or common danger which put into risk the life, physical integrity or freedom of another, fails to provide the necessary assistance in order to avoid such danger, whether by his own action or by securing help, shall be punished by up to 1 year imprisonment or fine of up to 120 days.; If the above mentioned situation was caused by the one who failed to provide assistance, he shall be punished by up to 2 years imprisonment or fine of up to 240 days. ; The failure to provide assistance shall not be punished when it may cause serious risk to the neglecter’s life or physical integrity or when, for other relevant cause, said assistance must not be expected.
Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms Chapter 1 Art. 2 Every person must come to the aid of anyone whose life is in peril, either personally or calling for aid, by giving him the necessary and immediate physical assistance, unless it involves danger to himself or a third person, or he has another valid reason. Every person must come to the aid of anyone whose life is in peril, either personally or calling for aid, by giving him the necessary and immediate physical assistance, unless it involves danger to himself or a third person, or he has another valid reason.
Republic of Congo Criminal Code Art. 63 Article 63. – (Ord. 25/6/1945 – D. appl. n° 47 — 735 du 17/4/47 AGG prom. n° 1.222 du 10/5/47 – JOAEF 1947 p. 689 ) .Sans préjudice d’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code et les lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement d’un mois à trois ans et d’une amende de 24.000 à 1.000.000 de francs ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour un tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui, ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement mais spontanément 10(1)8 Sont exceptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent, le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes, jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement.
Romania Criminal Code Art. 203-204 Lăsarea fără ajutor a unei persoane aflate în dificultate(1) Omisiunea de a da ajutorul necesar sau de a anunța de îndată autoritățile de către cel care a găsit o persoană a cărei viață, integritate corporală sau sănătate este în pericol și nu are putința de a se salva se pedepsește cu închisoare de la 3 luni la un an sau cu amendă.(2) Fapta nu constituie infracțiune dacă, prin acordarea ajutorului, autorul s-ar expune unui pericol grav cu privire la viața, integritatea corporală sau sănătatea sa. Articolul 204 Împiedicarea ajutorului Împiedicarea intervenției ajutoarelor pentru salvarea unei persoane de la un pericol iminent și grav pentru viața, integritatea corporală sau sănătatea acesteia se pedepsește cu închisoare de la unu la 3 ani sau cu amendă. ART. 203 Abandoning an individual in distress (1) Failure to provide the necessary help or to announce forthwith the authorities by a person who found an individual whose life, bodily integrity or health is threatened and is unable to save themselves shall be punishable by no less than 3 months and no more than 1 year of imprisonment or by a fine. (2) Such act does not constitute an offense if, by providing such help, the author would expose themselves to a serious danger to their life, bodily integrity or health. ART. 204 Obstruction of rescue Obstruction of rescue interventions in saving an individual from an imminent and serious threat to their life, bodily integrity or health shall be punishable by no less than 1 and no more than 3 years of imprisonment or by a fine.
Russia Criminal Code Art. 125 Заведомое оставление без помощи лица, находящегося в опасном для жизни или здоровья состоянии и лишенного возможности принять меры к самосохранению по малолетству, старости, болезни или вследствие своей беспомощности, в случаях, если виновный имел возможность оказать помощь этому лицу и был обязан иметь о нем заботу либо сам поставил его в опасное для жизни или здоровья состояние, – наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до трехсот шестидесяти часов, либо исправительными работами на срок до одного года, либо принудительными работами на срок до одного года, либо арестом на срок до трех месяцев, либо лишением свободы на срок до одного года. The deliberate abandoning without aid of person who is in a state of danger to human life or health, and who is deprived of the possibility of taking measures towards self-preservation because of his young age, old age, sickness, or in consequence of his helplessness, in cases where the convicted person had the possibility to render aid to this person and was obliged to take care of him, or who has put him in the state of danger to life and health, Shall be punishable with a fine in the amount of up to 80 thousand roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory works for a term of from 120 to 180 hours, or by corrective labour for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term up to three months.
Russia (Soviet) RSFSR Criminal Code Art. 127 (1960) Оставление в опасности Неоказание лицу, находящемуся в опасном для жизни состоянии, необходимой и явно не терпящей отлагательства помощи, если она заведомо могла быть оказана виновным без серьезной опасности для себя или других лиц, либо несообщение надлежащим учреждениям или лицам о необходимости оказания помощи – наказывается исправительными работами на срок до шести месяцев или общественным порицанием либо влечет применение мер общественного воздействия. Заведомое оставление без помощи лица, находящегося в опасном для жизни состоянии и лишенного возможности принять меры к самосохранению по малолетству, старости, болезни или вообще вследствие своей беспомощности, в случаях если виновный имел возможность оказать потерпевшему помощь и был обязан иметь о нем заботу либо сам поставил его в опасное для жизни состояние, – наказывается лишением свободы на срок до двух лет или исправительными работами на тот же срок. Art. 127(1) Failure to Rescue: Failure to render aid which is necessary and clearly not suffering of postponement to a person in danger of his life, if the offender knew that such aid could be given without serious danger to himself or other persons, or failure to inform the proper authorities or persons about the necessity to render aid, is punished with corrective labour not exceeding six months or with public censure, or entails the application of socially corrective measures.
Russia (Tsarist) Prerevolutionary Russian Criminal Code of 1903 art. 491; Виновный въ томъ, что, будучи свидѣтелемъ опас- ности для жизни другаго лица, не донесъ о томъ под- лежащей власти или не оказалъ или не доставилъ помощи, которую могъ бы оказать или доставить безъ разумнаго опасен» за себя или другихъ, если послѣдствіемъ сего будетъ смерть или весьма тяжкое тѣлесное поврежденіе нуждавшагося въ помощи, наказывается: арестомъ на срокъ не свыше одного мѣсяца или денежною пенею не свыше ста рублей. He is guilty who, being a witness of the danger to the life of another person, does not report on the danger to the authorities or does not render or did not provide assistance that could be provided or delivered without reasonable fear for himself or others; if in consequence there is a death or very grave injury, punishment shall be by arrest for a period of not more than one month or a monetary penalty not exceeding one hundred rubles.
Rwanda Criminal Code Art. 256 Article: 256 Sera puni d’un emprisonnement de deux mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de dix mille francs au maximum, ou de l’une de ces peines seulement :1. quiconque pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire; 2. quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours; 3. quiconque, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Echappent à cette disposition le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices, son conjoint, ses parents ou alliés jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement. Aucune peine ne sera non plus prononcée contre celui qui, après s’être abstenu, apportera son témoignage tardivement mais spontanément. Article 256 The following shall be punishable by imprisonment from two months to five years and a fine of not more than ten thousand francs, or by either of the following penalties: 1. Any person who could by his immediate action, and without risk to himself or others, prevent a criminal act or an act against the physical integrity of a person yet frains from doing so; 2. Any person who voluntarily refrains from giving to a person in danger the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend to him, either by his personal action or by assistance; 3. Any person who, knowing the evidence of the innocence of a person who has been incarcerated preventively or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities. This provision excludes the party guilty of the crime in question, his co-perpetrators, accomplices, spouse, relatives or allies up to the fourth degree inclusive. No sentence shall be pronounced against a person who, after having abstained, gives his testimony late but spontaneously.
Senegal Criminal Code Art. 49 Article 49 Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent Code et les lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement de trois mois à cinq ans et d’une amende de 25.000 francs à 1 million de francs, ou de l’une de ces deux peines seulement, quiconque, Pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit contre l’intégrité corporelle de la personne, s’abstient volontairement de le faire. Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours. Sera puni des mêmes peines celui qui, connaissant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne incarcérée préventivement ou jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’en apporter aussitôt le témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui apportera son témoignage tardivement, mais spontanément. Sont exemptés de la disposition de l’alinéa précédent le coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses co-auteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au qua Without prejudice to the application, if any, of stronger penalties provided for by this Code and the special laws, any person who, by his immediate action, and without risk for himself or third parties, can prevent an act which is a crime, or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person, yet voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to five years and a fine of 25,000 francs to 1 million francs, or to either of these two penalties only. Anyone who voluntarily refrains from providing to a person at risk assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he could lend him or her or by securing rescue from another source shall be punished with the same penalty. The same penalty shall be imposed on a person who, knowing the proof of the innocence of a person provisionally incarcerated or tried for a crime or offense, voluntarily refrains from bringing the evidence to the judicial or police authorities. However, no penalty shall be imposed on the person who gives his testimony late, but spontaneously. Except from the provision of the preceding paragraph, the offender is guilty of the act of the prosecution, his co-perpetrators, his accomplices and the relatives or allies of such persons up to the fourth degree inclusively.
Serbia Criminal Code Arts. 126 and 127 Napuštanje nemoćnog lica Član 126 (1) Ko nemoćno lice koje mu je povereno ili o kojem je inače dužan da se stara ostavi bez pomoći u stanju ili prilikama opasnim za život ili zdravlje, kazniće se zatvorom od tri meseca do tri godine. (2) Ako je usled dela iz stava 1. ovog člana nastupilo teško narušenje zdravlja ili druga teška telesna povreda ostavljenog lica, učinilac će se kazniti zatvorom od jedne do pet godina. (3) Ako je usled dela iz stava 1. ovog člana nastupila smrt ostavljenog lica, učinilac će se kazniti zatvorom od jedne do osam godina. Nepružanje pomoći Član 127 (1) Ko ne pruži pomoć licu koje se nalazi u neposrednoj opasnosti za život iako je to mogao učiniti bez opasnosti za sebe ili drugog, kazniće se novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do dve godine. (2) Ako je usled nepružanja pomoći nastupilo teško narušenje zdravlja ili druga teška telesna povreda lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti novčanom kaznom ili zatvorom do tri godine. (3) Ako je usled nepružanja pomoći nastupila smrt lica koje se nalazilo u neposrednoj opasnosti za život, učinilac će se kazniti zatvorom od tri meseca do pet godina. (1) Whoever abandons a helpless person entrusted in his care or whom he is obliged to take care of, in life- or health-threatening state or circumstances, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to three years. (2) If the act specified in paragraph 1 of this Article results serious health impairment or other grievous bodily harm of the abandoned person, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years. (3) If the act specified in paragraph 1 of this Article results in death of the abandoned person, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of one to eight years. Failure to Render aid Article 127 (1) Whoever fails to render aid to a person in life-threatening situation although he could have done so without risk to himself or another, shall be punished with fine or imprisonment up to one year. (2) If failure to render aid results in serious health impairment or other grievous bodily harm of the person in life-threatening situation, the offender shall be punished with fine or imprisonment up to two years. (3) If failure to render aid results in death of the person in life-threatening situation, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to three years.
Slovakia Criminal Code Art.177 Neposkytnutie pomoci § 177 (1) Kto osobe, ktorá je v nebezpečenstve smrti alebo javí príznaky ťažkej ujmy na zdraví, neposkytne potrebnú pomoc, hoci tak môže urobiť bez nebezpečenstva pre seba alebo iného, potrestá sa odňatím slobody až na dva roky. (2) Kto osobe, ktorá je v nebezpečenstve smrti alebo javí príznaky ťažkej ujmy na zdraví, neposkytne potrebnú pomoc, hoci je podľa povahy svojho zamestnania povinný takú pomoc poskytnúť, potrestá sa odňatím slobody na šesť mesiacov až tri roky. Section 177 (1) Any person who fails to provide the necessary assistance to a person whose life is in danger, or who shows symptoms of a serious health problem, although he can do so without endangering himself or another, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of up to two years. (2) Any person who fails to provide the necessary assistance to a person whose life is in danger, or who shows symptoms of a serious health problem, although he has such obligation arising from his employment, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between six months to three years.
Slovenia Criminal Code Art. 130 Kdor ne pomaga osebi, ki je v neposredni smrtni nevarnosti, čeprav bi to lahko storil brez nevarnosti zase ali za koga drugega, se kaznuje z zaporom do enega leta. Whoever fails to render aid to another person in an immediate life-threatening situation, even though he could have done so without endangering himself or any third person, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year.
Spain Civil Code Art. 1902 El que por acción u omisión causa daño a otro, interviniendo culpa o negligencia, está obligado a reparar el daño causado. “Whom injuries other by action or inaction, concurring fault or negligence, is binded to repair the caused damage”
Spain Criminal Code, Art. 195 1. El que no socorriere a una persona que se halle desamparada y en peligro manifiesto y grave, cuando pudiere hacerlo sin riesgo propio ni de terceros, será castigado con la pena de multa de tres a doce meses. 2. En las mismas penas incurrirá el que, impedido de prestar socorro, no demande con urgencia auxilio ajeno. 3. Si la víctima lo fuere por accidente ocasionado fortuitamente por el que omitió el auxilio, la pena será de prisión de seis meses a 18 meses, y si el accidente se debiere a imprudencia, la de prisión de seis meses a cuatro años. 1) Whoever does not assist a person who is unprotected or in serious, manifest danger, when able to do so at no risk to himself or third parties, shall be punished with the penatly of a fine of three to twelve months. 2) the same penalties shall be incurred by whoever, being unable to provide assistance, does not urgently call for outside help. 3) If the party concerned is the victim of a fortuitous accident caused by whom omits the assistance, the punishment shall be six months to eighteen months imprisonment, and if the accident was due to negligence, six months to four years imprisonment.
Switzerland Criminal Code Art. 128 Wer einem Menschen, den er verletzt hat, oder einem Menschen, der in unmittelbarer Lebensgefahr schwebt, nicht hilft, obwohl es ihm den Umständen nach zugemutet werden könnte, wer andere davon abhält, Nothilfe zu leisten, oder sie dabei behindert, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft. Any person who fails to offer aid to another whom he has injured or to another who is in immediate life-threatening danger, in circumstances where the person either could reasonably have been expected to offer aid, any person who prevents or hinders others from offering aid, is liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty.
Tajikistan Criminal Code, Art. 127 Дидаю дониста нарасонидани ёрӣ ба шахсе, ки дар вазъияти барои ҳаёт ё саломатиаш хавфнок қарор дорад ва аз сабаби хурдсолӣ, пиронсолӣ, беморӣ ё аз сабаби оҷизии худ имконияти андешидани чораҳои худмуҳофизатиро надорад, ҳангоме, ки шахси гунаҳгор метавонист ба ин шахс ёрӣ расонад ва вазифадор буд нисбати ў ғамхорӣ зоҳир намояд ё худаш ўро дар ҳолати барои ҳаёт ё саломатиаш хатарнок гузоштааст,‐ . Article 127. Failure to Give Assistance to Individuals in Mortal Danger (1) Knowingly failure to give assistance to individual in mortal danger who is in life or health-related danger, and who is not capable of taking measures for self-protection based on childhood, old age, or helplessness, in cases where an offender had a possibility to help an individual and was in charge of his protection, or had put him in danger himself is punishable by up to 2 years of correctional labor, or by a fine of 200 to 400 the minimum monthly wage. (2) The same action, if it caused negligently the death of a victim is punishable by up to 3 years of restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for the same period of time simultaneously with deprivation of the right to hold certain position or to be engaged in certain activity for the same period of time. (3) The same action, if caused: a) human victims; b) other serious consequences, is punishable by imprisonment for a period of 5 to 8 years.
Togo Criminal Code Art. 70 Art. 70 – Sera puni d’un à six mois d’emprisonnement ou d’une amende de 20 000 à 200 000 francs quiconque s’abstient de porter à une personne en péril le secours que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter ou qu’il pouvait provoquer. Art. 70 – Anyone who refrains from providing to a person at risk the assistance which, without risk to himself or others, he is capable of providing or of causing to be provided is punishable by one to six months’ imprisonment or a fine of 20,000 to 200,000 francs.
Tunisia Criminal Code Art 143 Est puni d’un mois d’emprisonnement et de quarante huit dinars d’amende quiconque, le pouvant, refuse ou néglige de faire les travaux, les services ou de prêter le secours dont il a été requis, dans les circonstances d’accident, tumulte, naufrage, inondation, incendie ou autres calamités ainsi que dans les cas de brigandage, pillage, flagrant délit, clameur publique ou d’exécution judiciaire. Anyone who, being able to do so, refuses or neglects to do the work, the services or to perform the help which is required, in the circumstances of an accident, is punished by one month’s imprisonment and forty-eight dinars in fine, tumult, sinking, flood, fire or other calamities, as well as in cases of brigandage, looting, flagrante delicto, public clamor or judicial execution.
Turkey Criminal Code, Art. 98 MADDE 98. – (1) Yaşı, hastalığı veya yaralanması dolayısıyla ya da başka herhangi bir nedenle kendini idare edemeyecek durumda olan kimseye hâl ve koşulların elverdiği ölçüde yardım etmeyen ya da durumu derhâl ilgili makamlara bildirmeyen kişi, bir yıla kadar hapis veya adlî para cezası ile cezalandırılır. (2) Yardım veya bildirim yükümlülüğünün yerine getirilmemesi dolayısıyla kişinin ölmesi durumunda, bir yıldan üç yıla kadar hapis cezasına hükmolunur. Any person who fails to assist, taking into account his position and circumstances, an individual who is incapable of caring for themselves (on account of age, illness, injury or any other reason), or immediately notify the relevant authority of the circumstances of CDL-REF(2016)011 – 38 – such individual, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to one year, or a judicial fine. (2) Where an individual dies due to the failure of a person to perform in his duty to assist or to notify, a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one to three years shall be imposed.
Ukraine Criminal Code Art. 135, 136 Стаття 135. Залишення в небезпеці 1. Завідоме залишення без допомоги особи, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя стані і позбавлена можливості вжити заходів до самозбереження через малолітство, старість, хворобу або внаслідок іншого безпорадного стану, якщо той, хто залишив без допомоги, зобов’язаний був піклуватися про цю особу і мав змогу надати їй допомогу, а також у разі, коли він сам поставив потерпілого в небезпечний для життя стан, – карається обмеженням волі на строк до двох років або позбавленням волі на той самий строк. 2. Ті самі дії, вчинені матір’ю стосовно новонародженої дитини, якщо матір не перебувала в обумовленому пологами стані, – караються обмеженням волі на строк до трьох років або позбавленням волі на той самий строк. 3. Діяння, передбачені частинами першою або другою цієї статті, якщо вони спричинили смерть особи або інші тяжкі наслідки, – караються позбавленням волі на строк від трьох до восьми років. Стаття 136. Ненадання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя стані 1. Ненадання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя стані, при можливості надати таку допомогу або неповідомлення про такий стан особи належним установам чи особам, якщо це спричинило тяжкі тілесні ушкодження, – караються штрафом від двохсот до п’ятисот неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або громадськими роботами на строк від ста п’ятдесяти до двохсот сорока годин або арештом на строк до шести місяців. 2. Ненадання допомоги малолітньому, який завідомо перебуває в небезпечному для життя стані, при можливості надати таку допомогу або неповідомлення про такий стан дитини належним установам чи особам – караються штрафом від п’ятисот до тисячі неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або арештом на строк до шести місяців, або обмеженням волі на строк до трьох років. 3. Діяння, передбачені частинами першою або другою цієї статті, якщо вони спричинили смерть потерпілого, – караються обмеженням волі на строк від трьох до п’яти років або позбавленням волі на строк від двох до п’яти років. Article 135. Leaving in danger 1. Willful leaving of a person without help, if he/she remains in a condition dangerous to life and is unable to ensure his/her self-preservation due to young age, old age, illness or helpless condition and where the one, who left this person without help, was obliged to care after this person and was able to provide help to him or her, and where this one himself put the victim in a condition dangerous to life, -shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term. 2. The same actions committed by a mother in respect of her newborn child, unless this mother was in a condition of lying-in, – shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term up to three years, or imprisonment for the same term. 3. Any such acts as provided for by paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article, where they caused death of a person or other grave consequences, -shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years. Article 136. Failure to provide help to a person who is in a condition dangerous to life 1. Failure to provide help to a person, who is in a condition dangerous to life, where such help could have been provided, or failure to inform appropriate institutions or persons of this person’s condition, where this has caused grievous bodily injuries, shall be punishable by a fine of 200 to 500 tax-free minimum incomes, or community service for a term of 150 to 240 hours, or arrest for a term up to six months. 2. Failure to provide help to a young child, who is known to be in condition dangerous to life, where such help could have been provided, or failure to inform appropriate institutions or persons of this child’s condition, – shall be punishable by a fine of 500 to 1000 tax-free minimum incomes, or arrest for a term up to six months, or restraint of liberty for a term up to three years. 3. Any such acts as provided for by paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article, where they caused death of the victim, – shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of three to five years, or imprisonment for a term of two to five years. (Article 136 as amended by Law No 270-VI (270-17) of 15.04.2008)
United Arab Emirates First Aid Procedures in 2010 (First Aid Fatwa) Only translation found “Islamic Shariah is based upon the five necessities, one of which concerns the preservation of one’s life and property. Therefore, the provision of first aid can be seen as both an Islamic duty and a humanitarian necessity, as the first-aid is administered to save people’s lives and relieve their pain. Any trained medical person, particularly in emergency situations, ‘do their best efforts’ to prove immediate relief, and this is supported by the general provisions of Shariah that call for co-operation, helping the needy and relieving inflicted people.”
United Arab Emmirates Criminal Code Art. 343 یعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزید على سنة وبالغرامة التي لا تجاوز عشرة آلاف درھم أو بإحدى ھاتین العقوبتین، من تسبب بخطئھ في المساس بسلامة جسم غیره، وتكون العقوبة الحبس مدة لا تزید على سنتین والغرامة أو بإحدى ھاتین العقوبتین إذا نشأ عن الجریمة عاھةمستدیمة أو إذا وقعت الجریمة نتیجة إخلال الجاني بما تفرضھ علیھ أصول وظیفتھ أو مھنتھ أوحرفتھ أو كان الجاني تحت تأثیر سكر أو تخدیر عند وقوع الحادث أو امتنع عن مساعدةالمجني علیھ أو عن طلب المساعدة لھ مع استطاعتھ ذلك. وتكون العقوبة الحبس والغرامة إذا نشأ عن الجریمة المساس بسلامة أكثر من ثلاثةأشخاص فإذا توافر ظرف آخر من الظروف الواردة في الفقرة السابقة تكون العقوبة الحبس مدة لا تقل عن ستة أشھر ولا تزید على خمس سنین والغرامة. Whoever, through his own fault, causes injury to the body of another shall be punished by detention for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding ten thousand Dirhams, or either of these two penalties. However, if a permanent disability arises from a crime, if a crime occurs as a result of failure by the offender to observe the principles of his duty, profession or trade, or if, at the time when the incident occurs, the culprit is under the influence of intoxication or stupefaction, or if he abstains from giving a hand to the victim or calling for others to assist him although he is capable of doing so he shall be punished by detention for a period not exceeding two years by a fine or by either of these two penalties.
Uruguay Criminal Code Chapter V CAPÍTULO V Art. 329. Abandono de niños y personas incapaces. El que abandonare a un niño, menor de diez años, o a una persona incapaz de bastarse a sí misma, por enfermedad mental o corporal, o por vejez, que estuviera bajo su guarda y a la cual debiera asistencia, será castigado, cuando el hecho no constituya un delito más grave, con la pena de seis meses de prisión a cinco años de penitenciaría. Art. 330. Circunstancias agravantes. La pena será elevada de un sexto a un tercio en los casos siguientes: 1º Cuando del abandono resultare la muerte o una lesión grave al abandonado. 2º Cuando el abandono se efectuare en condiciones que resultare difícil la asistencia por terceros, fuere por razón del lugar, de la hora, de la estación, o por cualquiera otra circunstancia análoga. 3º Cuando fuere cometido por los padres, respecto de sus hijos legítimos o naturales, reconocidos o declarados tales, o por el cónyuge. Art. 331. Abandono de un recién nacido por motivo de honor. La pena del delito será reducida de un tercio a la mitad, si se cometiere en la persona de un niño menor de tres días, para salvar el propio honor, el de la esposa, o el de un pariente próximo, y no se tendrá en cuenta la agravante prevista en el numeral 3º del artículo precedente. (88a) Art. 332. Omisión de asistencia. El que, encontrando abandonado o perdido un niño menor de diez años, o una persona incapaz de bastarse a sí misma por enfermedad mental o corporal o por vejez, omita prestarle asistencia y dar cuenta a la autoridad, será castigado con la pena del abandono, disminuida de un tercio a la mitad. La misma pena se aplicará al que, por negligencia, dejare de prestar asistencia, dando cuenta a la autoridad, a un hombre desvanecido o herido, sepultado o en situación en que corra peligro su vida o su integridad física. CHAPTER V Art. 329. Abandonment of children and incapacitated persons. A person who abandons a child under the age of ten years or a person incapable of self-sufficiency due to mental or physical illness or old age, who is under his care and to whom he is obliged to provide assistance, shall be punished, when the constitutes a more serious crime, with the penalty of six months of imprisonment to five years of penitentiary. Art. 330. Aggravating circumstances. The penalty will be raised from one sixth to one third in the following cases: 1º When abandonment results in death or serious injury to the abandoned. 2º When the abandonment is made under conditions that make assistance by third parties difficult, by reason of the place, the time, the station, or by any other similar circumstance. 3º When committed by the parents, regarding their legitimate or natural children, recognized or declared such, or by the spouse. Art. 331. Abandonment of a newborn for honor. The penalty of the offense shall be reduced by one-third to one-half, if committed in relation to a child aged less than three days, to save one’s honor, that of the wife, or that of a close relative, as long as the aggravating circumstances provided for in number 3 of the preceding article are not present. (88a) Art. 332. Failure to provide assistance. Anyone who, finding abandoned or lost a child under ten years of age, or a person unable to provide for himself by mental or bodily illness or due to old age, omits to assist him and provide notice to the authorities, will be punished with the penalty of abandonment, decreased by one-third to one-half. The same penalty shall apply to any person who, by negligence, fails to render assistance, giving an account to the authority, to a man who is fainted or injured, buried or in a situation where his life or physical integrity is endangered.
Uzbekistan Criminal Code Art. 117 Ҳаёти ёки соғлиғи хавф остида қолган ва ўзини ўзи ҳимоя қилиш имкониятидан маҳрум бўлган шахсга ёрдам кўрсатмаслик, башарти, айбдор бундай аҳволдаги шахсга ёрдам бериши шарт ва бундай имкониятга эга бўлса ёхуд айбдорнинг ўзи жабрланувчини хавфли аҳволга солиб қўйган ва бу ҳол баданга ўртача оғир ёки оғир шикаст етказилишига олиб келса, — уч юз соатгача мажбурий жамоат ишлари ёки икки йилгача ахлоқ тузатиш ишлари билан жазоланади. Ўша қилмиш одам ўлишига сабаб бўлса, — икки йилгача ахлоқ тузатиш ишлари ёки бир йилдан уч йилгача озодликни чеклаш ёки уч йилгача озодликдан маҳрум қилиш билан жазоланади. Ўша қилмишлар: а) одамлар ўлимига; б) бошқача оғир оқибатларга сабаб бўлса, — уч йилдан беш йилгача озодликни чеклаш ёхуд уч йилдан беш йилгача озодликдан маҳрум қилиш билан жазоланади. Article 117. Neglect of Helpless Neglect of helpless in a state when his life and health are endangered and he cannot protect himself, if a guilty person was obliged and was able to render him assistance or himself exposed a victim to danger that resulted in medium or serious bodily injury – shall be punished with correctional labor up to two years. The same actions that resulted in a death of a victim – Shall be punished by arrest up to six months or imprisonment up to three years: The same actions that resulted in: a) death of persons; b) other grave consequences – shall be punished with imprisonment from three to five years.
Venezuela Criminal Code Art. 438 El que habiendo encontrado abandonado o perdido algún niño menor de siete años o a cualquiera otra persona incapaz, por enfermedad mental o corporal, de proveer a su propia conservación, haya omitido dar aviso inmediato a la autoridad o a sus agentes, pudiendo hacerlo, será castigado con multa de cincuenta unidades tributarias (50 U.T.) a quinientas unidades tributarias (500 U.T.). La misma pena se impondrá al que habiendo encontrado a una Persona herida o en una situación peligrosa o alguna que estuviere o pareciere inanimada, haya omitido la prestación de su ayuda a dicha persona, cuando ello no lo expone a daño o peligro personal, o dar el aviso inmediato del caso a la autoridad o a sus agentes. Any person who having found, lost or abandoned, any child under the age of seven or any other person incapable due to mental or physical illness to provide for their own preservation, fails, being able to do so, to give immediate notice to the authorities or their agents, shall be punished with fine of fifty tax units (50 TU) to 500 tax units (500 TU). The same penalty shall be imposed on the person who, having found a person who has been wounded or is in a dangerous situation or seems inanimate, omits to render his assistance to that person or provide immediate notice of the case to the authorities or their agents, when this does not expose him to personal harm or danger.